3 Common Mistakes Joomla Beginners Make

3 Common Mistakes Joomla Beginners Make

Here are a few of the key mistakes that I've noticed most newbie Joomla users make and how to avoid them. Use the tips below to become an expert Joomla user overnight and avoid all the new user behaviors.

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  9305 Hits

Google Shopping - How It Works & Why You Should Check Your Feeds Before 15 September

Google Shopping - How It Works & Why You Should Check Your Feeds Before 15 September

Google Shopping allows Ecommerce stores to embed their products directly within the search experience of the largest search engine in the world.  Many Ecommerce stores rely on Google Shopping to drive sales.  If you are not yet using Google Shopping, this article will explain what it is and how you could start using it. For those who are using Google Shopping feeds, in September 2015, Google is making some changes to its taxonomies which may require you to update your Google Shopping feeds.  These changes must be made by 15th September, so if you're running a Joomla! website with an Ecommerce store and you rely on Google Shopping feeds, make sure you check your feeds! 

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  13018 Hits

Googlebot Cannot Access CSS and JS Files on...

Googlebot Cannot Access CSS and JS Files on...

Last month Google sent out its updated guidelines to gain visibility in Google search results. They involve accessing certain .css and .js files (stylesheets and javascripts) on your website. This affects the ranking of results. The following article explains what you need to do to your Joomla website to be in line with these new guidelines.

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  21041 Hits

A Simplified Approach

A Simplified Approach

Remember Mambo? How about the “rhuk-milkyway” template? Take one fair-sized site which to the public eye looked manageable, but beyond held a behemoth of an intranet with hundreds of registered users and six versions of templates pointing to odd morphed versions, each spaghetti-ing between versions, transparent gifs, shaded borders of images, css files and hard-coded JavaScript routines of slideshows... you name it, it was there. It was no small job to make any change at all, let alone move this whole thing to Joomla 3.

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  7021 Hits

Last Chance to Upgrade from Joomla 2.5

Last Chance to Upgrade from Joomla 2.5

This is an important notice on the safety and updating our Joomla 2.5 sites. This text is dedicated to Manuel Rubio, a big enthusiast and contributor to Joomla, who died last May 15. I will always be grateful for the long conversations with him that gave me a broad view of what it means to work for the community, and that was reflected in my support, commitment and work towards the Mexico City JUG community. Rest in peace.

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  17423 Hits

Public Intro, Restricted Article

Public Intro, Restricted Article

There are times when the project of a site calls for the introduction of texts to be visible by general audiences, but if the visitor wants to see the full article, s/he must log in to the system. The full content is blocked and only after the visitor creates or is granted an access account will s/he be able enjoy the full content of the article.

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  9556 Hits

How to Install an SMTP Server in Joomla!

How to Install an SMTP Server in Joomla!

Delivering transactional emails is considered one of the most recursive and important tasks for a website owner. If your transactional emails fail to reach recipients’ inbox, it will be difficult for you to have the benefits of an automated email transaction. An automated email transaction is heavily dependent on a reliable SMTP server. However, using an ordinary email service provider such as Yahoo Mail, Gmail and Hotmail has its restrictions. This is because they allow only a certain number of emails to be sent by a particular user per day. You might be thinking what is a smart solution for transactional email delivery and how to configure it?

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  20918 Hits

Why Migrate? And Then…How?

Why Migrate? And Then…How?

Ah migration. Many look at it as a chore and it may be. Migration is really an opportunity. It’s an opportunity to reassess goals, clean up messes, increase functionality, security, and efficiency. But many have struggles. The Update Working Group has been established to make the process of migration clearer and easier to find. The group hopes to reach those who haven’t yet migrated and need to.

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  22160 Hits

How Penguin 3.0 Affected Joomla! Sites (and Your Next Steps)

How Penguin 3.0 Affected Joomla! Sites (and Your Next Steps)

Many Joomla sites were impacted by the recent Penguin 3.0 update that Google put out a few weeks ago. In this article you will find tips and tricks to help your site recover as well as steps to prepare your website in the future.

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  20671 Hits

How to Strengthen your Joomla! Administrator Password

How to Strengthen your Joomla! Administrator Password

Please don't gamble with your Joomla web-site security and never, I mean never, ever, ever, ever use dictionary words for Joomla Super User passwords! Always remember that the internet is full of malicious robots, most often set up by bad people to scan and harvest Joomla and Wordpress administrator passwords and they can do it faster than you can say "Brian Teeman" or "Nick Robertson".

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  22499 Hits

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