A Rose by Any Other Name

A Rose by Any Other Name

“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet” is a line from Romeo and Juliet written by Shakespeare that reminds me of the Joomla! Community and the CMS that we call “Joomla!”. Its meaning can be taken as “What matters is what something is, not what it is called”.

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  24185 Hits

Leadership Highlights - November 2012

Leadership Highlights - November 2012

While zombies roamed the earth and goblins danced in October, the Joomla project cooked up a bubbling pot of leadership news, with just a pinch of chicken giggle…

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  15386 Hits

Internalize a Business Webmarketing Strategy with Joomla

A simple observation appeared with the emergence of new versions of CMS on the market like Joomla 2.5: with this kind of solution, it is now possible to combine all the communication tools concerning the Internet strategy of a company.

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  15238 Hits

Noticia - badakigu asko daukazula kontatzeko

Noticia - badakigu asko daukazula kontatzeko

Hala da, Joomla!® komunitatean badakigu gauza asko dauzkazula kontatzeko eta komunitate osoa zu entzuteko prest dago, hori dela eta, artikulo honekin Joomla! Magazine™-aren bidez boluntario izan zaitezen gonbidatu nahi zaitugu.

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  10691 Hits

Tutorial - The Missing Link to Intro Images in Joomla 2.5

Tutorial - The Missing Link to Intro Images in Joomla 2.5

The new "Images and Links" parameter was a great addition to Joomla 2.5. But have you ever wondered why the blog intro image doesn't link to the full article? In this simple tutorial, I'll show you how to modify your template to add that missing link.

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  221309 Hits

Comunitat - Detalls de liderarge - Octubre 2012

Comunitat - Detalls de liderarge - Octubre 2012

¡El CMS Joomla! Està fent grans coses! aquest setembre hubo gran quantitat d'activitats - Es va celebrar el seu aniversari i també va donar a llum a Joomla 3.0, amb un pes de 7,7 MB ..

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  10113 Hits

There's a New JEDi in Town...

There's a New JEDi in Town...

The Joomla Extension Directory (JED) recently announced that Matt Baylor is the new JED Team Manager, aka the Lead JEDi. I sat down with Matt to learn a bit more about him.

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  139137 Hits

Danish Joomladay2012 at IBC Innovationsfabrikken Kolding

Danish Joomladay2012 at IBC Innovationsfabrikken Kolding

at IBC Innovationsfabrikken Kolding


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  21479 Hits

Two Heads are Better Than One!

Two Heads are Better Than One!

The Co-Lead Editors of the Joomla Community Magazine, Alice Grevet and Dianne Henning, will present "Everything You Always Wanted to Know About the JCM but Were Afraid to Ask" at the upcoming Joomla World Conference, November 16-18, 2012.

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  82914 Hits

Thinking Bigger

Thinking Bigger

Joomla is one of the most popular CMS choices available today. What if it also became the CMS that is trying to make the world a better place? We have the community, the skills, and the resources. We have a generous tradition of giving back.

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  77543 Hits

JoomlaDay Italy 2012

JoomlaDay Italy 2012

The fifth JoomlaDay Italy took place on September 29th in Turin.

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  74903 Hits

Interview: Paul Orwig on JDay Colombia

Interview: Paul Orwig on JDay Colombia

As President of OSM you travel to many JoomlaDay events around the world. What was unique about JDay Colombia?

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  115817 Hits

Simple Performance Guide

Simple Performance Guide

Performance and optimization for websites are important especially when 20% and above of your visitors come from mobile. Mobile visitors often use slower connections than what is required from your website to load fast. Once a new website is finished, deployed and everything is working correctly, it can slow down as more and more as visitor traffic increases. What can you do in these cases? How can you improve website performance and optimize Apache? Read on for the answers...

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  39160 Hits

Joomla Forum User Webdongle reaches 20,000 Posts

Joomla Forum User Webdongle reaches 20,000 Posts

It seems like only yesterday, we were congratulating Robin on posting his 10,000th post on the Joomla Forums. This time of year, as we celebrate Joomla's 7th birthday, it only seems fitting to recognize another forum member for their dedication to the project.

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  436596 Hits

Best Ukrainian sites made ​​on Joomla CMS. Part 4

Best Ukrainian sites made ​​on Joomla CMS. Part 4

Joomla Ukrainian community continues to acquaint you with Ukraine. This is the fourth part of the project "Joomla! in Ukraine" which is dedicated to education and universities.

We continue our journey through the famous Ukrainian sites created on the Joomla CMS.

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  20174 Hits

Adding Interceptor Filters via Annotation in Joomla!

In this article I'm going to show you how you can make use of Interceptor Filters via annotations within a Joomla application. It makes use of the principle of Aspect-Oriented Programming.

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  157771 Hits

The Keys to Selling Event Sponsorships

The Keys to Selling Event Sponsorships

If you've ever promoted a conference, you probably know what an important role sponsors play in the success of the event. Sponsors can help with generating working capital, getting the word out and with the overall production of the conference. The reality is, securing a sponsor is much harder than you may think. To secure the right sponsor takes a mix of an irresistible sponsorship offering mixed with creative thinking and relationship building. In this blog we will explore some key concepts in how to secure the perfect sponsor.

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  68845 Hits

Free Book "Joomla! 3 in 10 easy steps"

Free Book "Joomla! 3 in 10 easy steps"

The new Joomla! 3.x series is mobile ready and comes with a complete new user interface. The book covers the standard term support release Joomla! 3.0

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  78506 Hits

Leadership Highlights - October 2012

Leadership Highlights - October 2012

Joomla – the stuff great CMS's are made of! A lot happened in September – Joomla had a birthday, and also gave birth to Joomla 3.0, weighing in at 7.7 MB...

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  17564 Hits

Google Summer of Code: the Future of the Languages Installer Tool

Google Summer of Code: the Future of the Languages Installer Tool

As you may know, this last summer I was elected for the Google Summer of Code program and I created a Languages Installer Tool for Joomla! CMS. Now this project has become a reality in Joomla 2.5.7 and 3.0, and more features will be coming soon...

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  18705 Hits

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