2013 Goals Survey Open Through November 10
On October 14th, Joomla's first public survey about overall project goals for the upcoming year was launched. After originally announcing this survey would remain open for two weeks, it has since been decided to leave the survey open through November 10.
Available in six languages, open through November 10
Many community members have already completed the survey. If you haven't completed the survey yet, please take a few minutes to ensure your thoughts and ideas will be included in the project's 2013 overall project goal setting process. Also, please share the link to this article or to the survey and invite everyone you know who uses Joomla to include their thoughts and ideas too! Here are links to the survey in six languages (Author's note: links removed after survey was closed):
- Dutch
- English
- Italian
- Polish
- Russian
- Spanish
Thanks to the Joomla translation team members who worked on these translations!
About this survey
This survey is composed of 16 questions and should take less than 15 minutes to complete. No personally identifiable information is collected (although you may optionally include your email address if you want to volunteer to help with future surveys). Here is what this survey consists of:
The first set of seven required questions asks about how you use Joomla. The next set of six required questions looks at three different areas of the project: Joomla features, joomla.org content and services, and overall project support. For each of those three areas, you are asked to rank your top 5 most important choices from a list of 12, and then answer if you would support having the Joomla project pay contractors or employees if that was required to support your top choices. The survey closes with three optional questions that allow you to give suggestions for other project goals, give suggestions for improving future surveys, and provide your email address if you want to volunteer to help create and manage future surveys.
Importance of this survey, and next steps in the process
This survey reinforces the importance of establishing an objective way for community members to give input to our project's leadership at an early step in the overall goal setting process. More surveys on more subjects are planned for 2013, with the intent of continuing this type of objective interaction between the community and leadership on a variety of topics.
Here are the next steps in the process:
- The most important step of all is for you to complete this survey! Please take a few minutes now, or if you can't then remember to do it by November 10. Then encourage everyone you know to also complete this survey.
- The results of this survey will be reviewed during leadership meetings that will take place on November 14 and 15 in advance of the Joomla World Conference, and they will be one of the inputs to help the project's leadership agree on a set of overall goals for 2013.
- The results of this survey will be published later this year.
- The project's overall goals for 2013 will be published next year.
- Updates on progress toward the project's overall goals will be published during the year.
Some articles published on the Joomla Community Magazine represent the personal opinion or experience of the Author on the specific topic and might not be aligned to the official position of the Joomla Project
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