Farsi, Dutch, French, English. Those are all languages you will hear at JoomlaDay events this month when local communities come together to share and learn Joomla!
Because of the rise (and continuous improvement) of Content Management Systems like Joomla!, companies are more capable than ever of maintaining their own websites. However, deciding whether or not to actually maintain your own website (or pay a web design company to do it for you) is a more complicated decision than most people would think.
For three days in May, Joomla! lovers are invited to come to Chicago for the 6th annual CMS Expo Learning and Business Conference. Every conference has featured a full schedule of Joomla learning sessions, and 2012 will carry on that proud tradition! What started in 2008 as a conference for lovers of Joomla CMS has grown for the past four years into a full-blown conference for the entire CMS Community.
They wanted a news site developed that could be easily replicated across several domains — each with a custom design — for each of their publications. Enter Joomla! and K2.
The top Joomla! agencies rely upon industry events to help stay on top of their game through networking and education. Luckily, the Joomla! community is blessed to have many amazing events, expos, and conferences throughout the year. Whether it’s a local JDay or an international event such as J! & Beyond, each event offers a valuable opportunity to grow your Joomla! business. In this article we will be looking at some ways to maximize your Joomla Expo experience.
The Joomla project is gearing up to participate in this year’s Google Summer of Code program, and there are a lot of really great ideas that have been developed. The proposals that students have submitted to Joomla this year have been generated from our GSoC Idea List, something that the community helped us generate before we could even submit our GSoC application to Google. We’re very grateful for the community giving us an all-hands-on-deck to get that completed.
Have you ever wanted to raise your rates but were unsure as to the best approach? Maybe you were worried that clients would leave or didn’t know if the time was right. Continuing on the path from last month’s article about properly setting your hourly rates, I recently had a discussion with colleagues Belldon Colme, Tim Giebelhaus, Roz Bennetts and Andrew Rudin and summarized our chat into the following five points to consider when raising your rates.
While the release of Joomla! 2.5 was a great success for Joomla! and its community, it also left a lot of your clients running older versions wondering "what do I do now? Should I upgrade now or wait until later?" This article will highlight some key aspects that will aid your clientele in making a sound business decision.
April’s “nauty” theme for this article evokes maritime images of past issues that helped chart the course for the Joomla! Community Magazine from her maiden voyage to the present day. In-between the lighthouse and the ship is a deep blue sea with a life of its own...
There’s a new release in the Joomla! Press series this week: Joomla! Programming by Mark Dexter and Louis Landry.
Steadfast contributor to the Joomla! Project, and highly respected in the Joomla! community, Steve Burge shares his experience bringing Open Source training to a city near you!
Ukrainian community Joomla presents sites created in Ukraine on Joomla CMS. We will show you the major sites in Ukraine and abroad. Join a small trip to Ukraine!
Improve user experience by customizing login modules, menu items, and other content to provide a consistent, tailored experience for your users.
Last week, Open Source Matters welcomed Paul Orwig as the organization’s new President. With years of experience under his belt including stints as Webmaster for the Joomla! Community Portal, lead editor for the Joomla! Community Magazine, and co-manager of the Joomla! Extensions Directory, the new OSM President has an abundance of knowledge to help serve the community efficiently and effectively.
Imagine this... You are a Joomla community member not living in the USA. You want to show your Joomla love by purchasing and wearing a Joomla t-shirt... Two problems. Shipping and customs. Been there? Done that? Didn't get the t-shirt?
With leaders who care, milestones reached, and vibrant user gatherings, Joomla! rocks around the world!
Here is an easy and fun way for you to share your feelings about Joomla! with the rest of the community: Simply write a haiku about Joomla! below in the comments area of this month's page. Be sure to check back here to read the haikus submitted by other members of the community. We will have a page for new haikus in every upcoming JCM issue.
Alone, you can do everything except the greatest thing. Alone, you can build a simple house but not a palace. The situation is the same with Joomla: you can't do anything marvellous without the help of others. That's where Joomla Groups come in. If you are an experienced Joomla developer or just have intention to put your wet foot in the field, I'm sure there are more you want to investigate about this growing community.
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