Joomla! World Conference 2012

Joomla! World Conference 2012

Joomla!’s first World conference is just around the corner! Set for November 16th-18th in the heart of Silicon Valley, USA, the Joomla! World Conference brings together Joomla users, builders, and developers from around the world. For one weekend, the international Joomla community will meet for a first of its kind event in the Joomla world.

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  62961 Hits

Post your Haikus for September

Post your Haikus for September

Here is an easy and fun way for you to share your feelings about Joomla! with the rest of the community: Simply write a haiku about Joomla! below in the comments area of this month's page. Be sure to check back here to read the haikus submitted by other members of the community. We will have a page for new haikus in every upcoming JCM issue.

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  113909 Hits

The Update Notification System for Extensions

The Update Notification System for Extensions

Since the introduction of Joomla! 2.5, an updates notification system is now available for both Joomla and third-party extensions. In this article we will see how to use the native Joomla updates notification system for all extensions except templates.

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  28526 Hits

Selling Joomla!

Selling Joomla!

Providing a great content management solution is one thing. Convincing customers to buy it from you is another. Successfully selling a Joomla-based solution involves both sales fundamentals and a message that speaks to Joomla's strengths while thoroughly satisfying a prospective client's needs.

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  84965 Hits

Montando o servidor web para seu site em Joomla!

Montando o servidor web para seu site em Joomla!

Muitas pessoas questionam a segurança do CMS Joomla, por desconhecerem que a maioria dos ataques bem sucedidos, ocorrem a nível de servidor.

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  25039 Hits

Les 10 millors raons perquè t'enamori Joomla 3.0

Les 10 millors raons perquè t'enamori Joomla 3.0

El llançament de Joomla 3 està programat per a finals de setembre.

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  12671 Hits

Implementing Role-Based ACL

Implementing Role-Based ACL

A role represents the permissions and access needed to do a task. Once roles have been set-up, one can intuitively assign, aggregate, transfer, and share these roles among CMS users. Here is a straight-forward approach to implementing roles in Joomla.

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  103827 Hits

Amazing Takeaways for Joomla Users from Inbound 2012

Amazing Takeaways for Joomla Users from Inbound 2012

As much innovation is happening in the world of Joomla 3.0, there's another industry in a period of rapid innovation, the Inbound Marketing industry. Some of the advances in the Inbound Marketing industry would blow the average business owner's mind. This past week, Gabe Wahhab and I attended the world's biggest Inbound Marketing conference in Boston: "Inbound 2012". With over 2,800 in attendance, over 60 tracks and top industry speakers there was a lot to takeaways from this great event. In this article, I'm going to share 10 amazing Inbound Marketing takeaways for you to use to grow your Joomla business.

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  21714 Hits

The Tale of a South African Joomla! Enthusiast

The Tale of a South African Joomla! Enthusiast

When it comes to content management system-based web development, living in a country that is perceived by the rest of the world to be a third world country is tricky.

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  22274 Hits

Help Wanted: Community Development Manager

The Production Leadership Team is looking for a volunteer for a new leadership position -- the Community Development Manager. This unpaid volunteer position is an opportunity for the right person to make a tremendously valuable contribution to the Joomla project. Some familiarity with Joomla programming is needed, but the position is mostly about coordinating and facilitating the Joomla development effort. Note that we are looking for someone who is able to devote about 20 hours per week to the job.

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  566144 Hits

Petri Net API

Petri Net API

The original goal of my project was to integrate a Workflow engine in Joomla, which I did. Then, we figured out it will be better and more interesting to rewrite the foundations of a new one (to master the techniques and extend it the way we want).

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  68623 Hits

GSoC Conclusion

GSoC Conclusion

The Google Summer of Code 2012 has ended. It has been an excellent experience for me, and hopefully for the mentors and other students as well.

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  19104 Hits

Zure laguntza behar dugu Joomla! 3 Zabaltzeko

Zure laguntza behar dugu Joomla! 3 Zabaltzeko

Datorren Irailaren bukaeran Joomla! 3 bertsioa argitaratuko da. Bertsio izugarria eta iraultzailea izango da, halere jende askok ez daki zergatik izango den iraultzailea. Zure laguntza behar dugu berria zabaltzeko!

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  12867 Hits

A Spy in the Camp

A Spy in the Camp

Last week, together with Robert Deutz, I attended the European leg of DrupalCon in Munich Germany. Although I had been invited to speak at the conference I was also interested to observe the Drupal Community and how they run their events. After receiving my invitation to speak there were a few hurdles to clear and I am grateful to OpenSourceMatters for supporting me in "Spreading the Joomla Love" and helping me to share our own unique experiences.

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  29938 Hits

Necessitem la teva ajuda per difondre Joomla 3.0

Necessitem la teva ajuda per difondre Joomla 3.0

Joomla! 3 arribarà a finals de setembre. Aquesta nova versió de Joomla! 3 serà una nova edició revolucionària i meravellosa. Però necessitem de la teva ajuda

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  10033 Hits

Why You Should be Paying Attention to Google+

Why You Should be Paying Attention to Google+

With the abundance of social networks that spring up on an almost daily basis, you would be forgiven for emitting a dramatic sigh to hear that you need to start paying attention to another social network. But this time, really, you do!

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  65508 Hits

Joomla! 3.0 - JUX Doing It

Joomla! 3.0 - JUX Doing It

In this interview with Kyle Ledbetter, leader of the Joomla User Experience (JUX) Team, find out what's in store for users, both frontend and backend, with Joomla 3.0!

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  83457 Hits

Developers: Joomla! 3 Update

 Joomla! 3 is less than a month away, so if you are a developer, it’s time to get moving and to plan and work ahead.  



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  31340 Hits

Free Book "Going Mobile with Joomla!"

Free Book "Going Mobile with Joomla!"

The book covers many examples about existing possibilities for websites made with Joomla! to embrace the mobile world.

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  36228 Hits

Back to Life...

Back to Life...

As the summer ends, we head back to school, back to work, and back to reality. With the release of Joomla 3.0 this month, there is no looking back... we have a lot to look forward to in the Joomlasphere!

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  67777 Hits

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