Don’t Get Fired! 6 Common Reasons Client Relationships Go Bad

Don’t Get Fired! 6 Common Reasons Client Relationships Go Bad

We have all been there, we sign up a new client, deliver a few projects and become a trusted partner. But then, somewhere along the way, the relationship sours and you find yourself fired. You have no idea why. There were no major failures and everything seemed fine. But in reality good relationships can always survive the major issues. It’s the little things that get you fired and below we will explore why it happens.

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  35159 Hits

Don’t be that Company! Five Ethical Blunders Every Agency Needs to Avoid

Don’t be that Company! Five Ethical Blunders Every Agency Needs to Avoid

Every day we are faced with making thousands of decisions. Some decisions are as simple as what to eat for breakfast while others can be as difficult as deciding whether or not it’s time to add another employee into the mix. But in the end what’s important is that you make the RIGHT decisions. Making the right decisions isn’t always easy and making poor decisions is a sure fire way to lose clients and hurt your company’s reputation. Below we outline five common ethical missteps and how these problems should be handled.

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  35683 Hits

Simplify Your Workflow with a PMS

Simplify Your Workflow with a PMS

As web developers our projects are complex and Project Management Systems (PMS) are essential to our success. A great PMS has many benefits but if you're using one that is under powered or isn't a good fit you can really be hindering your team's productivity and workflow. Modern PMS' offer more complete business solutions bundling CRM, invoicing, time tracking and more. Below we will explore some of today's best PMS' so you can determine which would be the best fit for your organization.

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  38250 Hits

Hosting: Awesome Revenue Stream or Big Headache?

Hosting: Awesome Revenue Stream or Big Headache?

As web developers we have all dealt with the decision of how to best provide website hosting for our clients. It can be a great source of passive income if you make the right decisions or it can be your worst nightmare losing you precious time and coveted client relationships. In this article we will analyze the different hosting methodologies and what to look out for to make sure a hosting company is the right fit for your business.

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  30986 Hits

6 Powerful Tips for Every Multilingual Website

6 Powerful Tips for Every Multilingual Website

For many extension developers and businesses the thought of a multilingual website never crosses our mind. However, supporting multiple languages can pay off with great dividends such as increased conversions rates, more traffic and a broader global reach. When creating a multilingual site there is much to consider and it’s really all about localization and knowing the culture. Below you will find 6 powerful tips to make your project a success.

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  46433 Hits

5 Steps Towards Successful Time Management

5 Steps Towards Successful Time Management

Social ecologist Peter F. Drucker once said, “Until we can manage time, we can manage nothing else.” Never is this truer than when describing the importance of time management skills for business owners.

Tell me if this sounds familiar: You head into the office feeling great only to open a seemingly never-ending to-do list that completely flusters you throwing the entire day of balance while leaving you feeling utterly helpless and stretched too thin.

This situation, while never completely unavoidable, is something that can be mastered over time by following these simple steps towards successfully managing your time. 

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  107964 Hits

5 Vital Items to Consider When Raising Your Hourly Rate

5 Vital Items to Consider When Raising Your Hourly Rate

Have you ever wanted to raise your rates but were unsure as to the best approach?  Maybe you were worried that clients would leave or didn’t know if the time was right. Continuing on the path from last month’s article about properly setting your hourly rates, I recently had a discussion with colleagues Belldon Colme, Tim Giebelhaus, Roz Bennetts and Andrew Rudin and summarized our chat into the following five points to consider when raising your rates.

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  110957 Hits

Releasing A Commercial Extension? Top 5 Things Every Developer Must Know

Releasing A Commercial Extension? Top 5 Things Every Developer Must Know

Many business owners and developers have often toyed with the notion of releasing a commercial extension. With Joomla!'s large community and expansive reach, releasing a product can be a great source of revenue and exposure. All too often, though, many key details are overlooked.

In order to help business owners avoid this common mistake, I recently sat down with Joomla! Extension Directory editor and Anything-Digital Founder and CEO Vic Drover who helped identify the most important aspects to consider when releasing a commercial extension.

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  110719 Hits

Make More Money By Properly Setting Your Hourly Rate

Make More Money By Properly Setting Your Hourly Rate

Setting an hourly rate – a topic everyone wants to understand but doesn’t necessarily want to discuss. Too often business owners don’t know how to properly set hourly rates and resort to methods such as guessing or copying a competitor’s rates. However, following these ill-advised procedures can often leave you not charging enough for your services and scared to ask for proper compensation. While there are many strategies for determining your hourly rate, this article breaks down the most widely used approach.

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  202708 Hits

Meet Paul Orwig: An Interview with the New OSM President

Meet Paul Orwig: An Interview with the New OSM President

Last week, Open Source Matters welcomed Paul Orwig as the organization’s new President. With years of experience under his belt including stints as Webmaster for the Joomla! Community Portal, lead editor for the Joomla! Community Magazine, and co-manager of the Joomla! Extensions Directory, the new OSM President has an abundance of knowledge to help serve the community efficiently and effectively.

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  172374 Hits

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