Custom Fields - Episode 4: a step by step tutorial



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Zapping Joomla!

Zapping Joomla!

Zapier is a popular task automation service that utilizes "Zaps"; a Zap is made of a "trigger" (ex.: When I receive a new email in Gmail...) and an "action" (ex.: ...send me an SMS message). Zaps run automatically to move and manage data without any work on your part. Zapier offers integrations for more than 1,000 apps, letting you easily transfer data between them to automate repetitive tasks.

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  4544 Hits

The Fall of Joomla

The Fall of Joomla

Four years ago at a Joomla Day New York I demoed the latest updates to a Joomla extension I had developed with a client. They had commissioned a Wordpress version of the same extension from a WP developer and shared with me the install stats for both (which connected to the client's service). The installs were overwhelming Wordpress. It blew me away and I began to watch statistics for the popularity of the platforms and discovered that WordPress was devouring Joomla's market share. When I built my first Joomla 1.5 site, more sites on the Internet were powered by Joomla than any other CMS. Today, WordPress powers five times as many websites as Joomla does.

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  33427 Hits

Making a successful membership site with Joomla

Making a successful membership site with Joomla

What do your members want? It is important to deliver what your members want, NOT what they need. Hang in there with me and I’ll explain.

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  9825 Hits

Avoid Duplicate Content With A Menu Item Alias

Avoid Duplicate Content With A Menu Item Alias

The Alias Menu Item Type is an often overlooked type of Menu Item that is available in Joomla. In plain terms, it is used to create a Menu Item that links to an existing Menu Item. We can use them to create a duplicate menu item without creating a duplicate URL or duplicating content. It is very simple to use and it can solve SEO and content management challenges in Joomla.

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The Best Way to Streamline Your Member Management

The Best Way to Streamline Your Member Management

Integrate Your Site To Your CRM!

Managing a membership site can seem like a herculean task, but when you combine it with one of your other tools it can become a breeze.

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  6538 Hits

Using Membership Sites Internally

Using Membership Sites Internally

Helping to make more satisfied, more productive employees

There are infinite ways to use a membership site. In previous articles, we talked about ways to externally use membership sites to make your business better. Have you thought about using one internally to improve your employees experience and productivity?

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Increase your Authority with your membership site

Increase your Authority with your membership site

Yes, your membership site can make you more of the expert! All things being equal, people buy from who they know, like and trust. Use your membership site to increase your authority and therefore your level of perceived trust.

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11 Critical Mistakes to Avoid in a Membership Site. 
Part 3 of 3

11 Critical Mistakes to Avoid in a Membership Site. 
Part 3 of 3

Four mistakes impacting your bottom line: Parts 1 & 2 of this mini-series related to the site itself and the content contained within. Now let’s look at 4 mistakes that sabotage monetizing your site…

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  8005 Hits

Creating Landing Pages with Joomla

Creating Landing Pages with Joomla

Landing Pages, essentially are any page a visitor enters a site. In Digital Marketing the term is used to describe a page with specific features, apart from the rest of the site. Its goal is to attract the visitor’s attention to engage in a desired action

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  21973 Hits

By accepting you will be accessing a service provided by a third-party external to