Creating Landing Pages with Joomla

Creating Landing Pages with Joomla

Landing Pages, essentially are any page a visitor enters a site. In Digital Marketing the term is used to describe a page with specific features, apart from the rest of the site. Its goal is to attract the visitor’s attention to engage in a desired action

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11 Critical Mistakes to Avoid in a Membership Site. 
Part 2 of 3

11 Critical Mistakes to Avoid in a Membership Site. 
Part 2 of 3

A quick review: The first four critical mistakes we discussed last month are: 1 - Not enough value. 2 - Complicated user interface. 3 - Poor user experience. 4 - Bad customer service. Now on to the next 3 which are related to your content…

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  6282 Hits

SDGs, The Open Government Partnership, and Joomla!

SDGs, The Open Government Partnership, and Joomla!

If you read the news on a regular basis, you may have noticed that the United Nations has been prominently feataured over the last few months, but not only because of the refugee crisis, or other sad news...

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  5609 Hits

11 Critical Mistakes to Avoid in a Membership Site - 
Part 1 of 3

11 Critical Mistakes to Avoid in a Membership Site - 
Part 1 of 3

4 mistakes relating to customer experience: ok, if you have been following along with this article series, you now know (a) why you need a membership site, (b) several different ways to set them up, and (c) some real-world case studies on how other people are using their membership site. Hopefully, you have taken my suggestions and have created (or are creating) a membership site for your ‘herd’ of followers. If you have, I’d love to hear about your experiences. In this fourth article in our membership series, we’ll dig deeper and begin discussing common critical mistakes to avoid.


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Power to the People!

Power to the People!

Hard to believe it was only 10 years ago when Joomla was first introduced to the community. Back then, ( am I really saying " back then" for only 10 years? ) Joomla 1.0 was just introduced and I was enchanted by the power of the open source community and under the hood looking at code, scouring the forums, trying to make sense of it all. For me and my fledgling consulting business my customers loved my technical prowess with HTML but hated calling for every little change they wanted to make. It just didn't seem right they couldn't update their site by themselves and I agreed totally but had no answer for them until Joomla!.

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  4932 Hits

A Peek Behind the Curtains - How Clients are Using their Membership Sites

A Peek Behind the Curtains - How Clients are Using their Membership Sites

In my first article we discussed why everyone needs a membership site, then we went on in the second to discuss different types and ways to use membership sites. I hope you got good value from those and are ready for some ‘show and tell’! In this installment, we’ll go behind the curtains of how some clients are using their membership sites everyday.

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  7919 Hits

Subtitle: the power of Joomla, but without the technical hassle, and for free? You would really like a modern, responsive website, that you can manage all by yourself. A great design, easy to add content to, yet complete with all modern web features and capable of growing with your business or your reader base. But … you’re no technical wizard. Hosting packages look all the same to you, and you couldn’t install a CMS to save your life. That’s a problem. Well, not really. Actually, not at all. Thanks to, you can build your site with the most powerful and user-friendly CMS on the market, but without having to host, install or update it. And the cost is… nothing. Interested?

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  9444 Hits

My Membership Site is Up, Now What Do I Do?

My Membership Site is Up, Now What Do I Do?

In my last article in JCM, I worked really hard to convince you that regardless of what business you are in, or even for non-business sites, you need to have a membership component to your site. Assuming that I did a reasonable job, you either have one in the works or are at least planning one. Now you want to know the most effective way to use membership in your own website, right? Answering this question is exactly the focus of this article. There are many combination of ways to help your business by incorporating membership into your site. Here are 5 perspectives to spark your creativity and help you focus your plan…

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  11984 Hits

Everyone Needs a Membership Site. Why?

Everyone Needs a Membership Site. Why?

There are the obvious reasons why web sites need a membership component - to collect money and to create a community. Ah, but it goes much deeper than that.

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  11865 Hits

Understanding Joomla! Core Content Features

Understanding Joomla! Core Content Features

Joomla! is a Content Management System (CMS) first and foremost, and a very sophisticated one at that. Joomla! offers so much flexibility and so many extensions, it can be easy to overlook basic core features that exist to help us manage and display our content.

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