How to create a full screen photograph home page


Everything I am going to show here could have been done by creating my own template but as I wanted to ensure that it would be future proof I have done it with CSS, a tiny bit of javascript, and existing Cassiopeia template options. 

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  710 Hits

Collapsible sections with Bootstrap


Do you have pages with a lot of content, or do you want to create a page where the visitor can decide for themselves which info they’d like to see (like an FAQ page)? An accordion is perfect for that. The visitor gets an overview of the topics, clicks on the interesting ones and the content gets revealed. And the good part is: you don’t need an extension for this, you can do it with a little tweaking - creating an override - of one of Joomla’s core views. Here’s how you do it!

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  420 Hits

CSS is evolving, evolve your code with this simple guide


I love the way some technologies are aware of what is going on around them and then pivot to make their own technology all the better by seeing if they can do the same as the bright young techs around them, bringing a new lease of life.

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  882 Hits

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