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JoomlaDay Houston - Preparing for Launch

JoomlaDay Houston - Preparing for Launch

JoomlaDay Houston is getting suited up and ready for a fantastic flight on October 19th!

Things are falling into place here in Houston. We are excited to have some wonderful sponsors onboard. Rochen recently became a Gold sponsor. SiteGround and Media A-Team are Silver sponsors. Bronze sponsors include OS Training, Inturact, and DevKardia. Special sponsors include Open Source Matters and Microsoft. We still have sponsorship packages available, click here to view and sign-up online.

The full schedule is now online, with a great line-up of sessions and speakers. We have something for all levels of users. Breakfast and lunch will be provided, and networking will be encouraged during those times. Presenters include Alan Hartless, Chad Windnagle, Cory Webb, David Hurley, Dianne Henning, Eliot Bendinelli, Gabe Wahhab, Jeremy Wilken, Mike Carson, Nicole Ouellette, Paul Orwig, Robbie Adair, Rod Martin, and Trevor Hatfield.

Click to view – ScheduleSessions - Speakers

Earlybird Pricing until Sept 15th – Register Today!

Space is limited, so we encourage you to register early! Register yourself or a group here.

OS Training Beginning and Intermediate Classes

OS Training not only is a sponsor, but they are also offering classes the two days leading up to JoomlaDay Houston! Students can sign up for one or two days of training. Learn more about the course offering here.

Please visit the site for more details (www.joomladayhouston.com) and don’t forget to Like the Facebook Page (https://www.facebook.com/JoomlaDayHouston)!

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