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JoomlaDay Australia 2017 Recap

JoomlaDay Australia 2017 Recap

JoomlaDay Australia 2017 was held in Sydney on 17 and 18 June 2017. This was our first JoomlaDay "Australia" (rather than Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, etc), and was organised via a joint committee comprising Joomlers from most states in Australia, in an effort to bring the Australian Joomla! User community a little closer together.

JoomlaDay Australia 2017 was held in Sydney on 17 and 18 June 2017. This was our first JoomlaDay "Australia" (rather than Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, etc), and was organised via a joint committee comprising Joomlers from most states in Australia, in an effort to bring the Australian Joomla! User community a little closer together.

The program comprised a nice mix of tech talk, business ideas and digital/content marketing, so there was something for everyone. We've since added slides and/or video links of each presentation to the schedule - please visit http://joomladay.org.au if you are interested in any of the presentations.

As well as a great mix of speakers, we also conducted the first ever Joomla! Certification exam in Australia. This resulted in 3 new Certified Administrators, bring the total in Australia to 5. It also helped to increase interest in the Certification process, which we hope will help ensure many more Australian exams and Certified individuals going forward. Big congratulations to the 3 champs in the photo above!

Thank you to the efforts of the Certification team, in particular Sam Suresh, who helped us to set up and run the exam without any official Certification Team members on site! The process was challenging but ultimately very successful.

This event demonstrated that while we may be separated by great distance, the Australian Joomla! community is alive and well, and is a very nice, genuine, friendly and extremely knowledgeable bunch of people!

Many thanks to JoomlaDay Australia 2017 Big Kahuna Tim Plummer, without whom the event would not have been such a success. Thanks also to our volunteer team, and to all the speakers and others who contributed in any way large or small.


The plan is for future Australian JoomlaDays to be organised in a similar collaborative manner, and held in a different state across the country each year. We would be very happy for any new volunteers from any state to join the committee any year - every little bit helps. We look forward to JoomlaDay Australia 2018 being bigger and better! We'll be on the lookout for a couple of speaker(s) from the international Joomla! community to make the trip in 2018, so if you're interested please get in touch.

Please visit the JoomlaDay Australia website to see more photos of the event. http://joomladay.org.au/photos

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