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Celebrating Joomla Community Events

Celebrating Joomla Community Events

This edition of the Joomla Community Magazine is dedicated to the volunteers who help to organize the various Joomla events and community groups all over the world.

This edition of the Joomla Community Magazine (JCM) is dedicated to the volunteers who help to organize the various Joomla events and community groups all over the world.

Last month, Helvecio da Silva (co-lead Editor) posted an article that mentions the various roles we need help with at the Joomla Community Magazine.

We are happy to announce that Nicky Veitch (from Australia) has volunteered to help as a Proof Reader. She also helps out on the Showcase Directory Team, and is an assistant organiser of the Melbourne JAG and recent JoomlaDay Australia team.

Welcome to Nicky, and enjoy reading her account of JoomlaDay Australia 2017 in this edition.

Continuing on the events theme, Parth Lawate shares with us what work was done in the Marketing Team’s Marketing Make It Happen session at Jandbeyond 2017 in Cracow, Poland.

Developers & Site administrators will enjoy the interview with George Wilson, who is release lead for Joomla 4. Parth has made a transcript available of the interview by Ufuk.

David tells the story of a dragon in Poland, and Slawomir Pieszczek shares photos, video and memories of Jayandbeyond.

From Brazil, Ana Barcellos tells us about the Joomla! Calango community that was represented the Arena Campus Party in Brazil, that was attended by 5,000 technology fans.

If you want to find out about a Joomla event near you (including the next Joomla! World Conference), you can check out the upcoming events on the Joomla Events site.

Do you want to share your story, or tell us about a JoomlaDay or event that you recently attended? Email us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Enjoy the July 2017 edition of the JCM!

Jacques Rentzke
Co-Lead Editor

Some articles published on the Joomla Community Magazine represent the personal opinion or experience of the Author on the specific topic and might not be aligned to the official position of the Joomla Project

Marketing Make It Happen - JandBeyond 2017


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