Celebrating the amazing women of Joomla with Ane Miren Alvarez


The passion for computer science was always one of my favorite topics to discuss. With this in mind I would like to present Ane Miren Alvarez, a talented Web Developer who has implemented the Joomla API within the automation tool Make, an “integration that allows for automated workflows and processes within Joomla” as she describes it. 

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Celebrating the amazing women of Joomla with Elisa Foltyn


The amazing, unstoppable women of Joomla are always here for all Joomla users. They never stop impressing us with their power and achievements. This month we have another amazing woman with us: Elisa Foltyn. Elisa has answered some of our questions to let us get to know her better.

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Celebrating the amazing women of Joomla with Nadja Lamisch

Nadja Lamisch

At the moment of writing, it's Joomla’s birthday, a celebration day for all Joomla volunteers and especially for the women contributors who continuously leave their mark on our favourite CMS. With this in mind I would like to present the Treasurer of Open-Source Matters Inc.

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Celebrating the amazing women of Joomla with Anja de Crom


Wonderful news! At the moment of writing, it's Joomla’s (19th) birthday

But what is Joomla, and what are we celebrating? 

Joomla is a content management system (CMS) as we all know. However, beyond this, Joomla is all the people who support it. A huge community of volunteers who are there to build, develop, extend, teach, communicate, advocate, and so much more. 

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  412 Hits

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