Local Community liaisons, what are they and do you have what it takes to join them?


What is a Community Liaison, what do they do and do you have what it takes to become one? All good questions that this article is intended to answer. And in answering we deal with the beating heart of volunteer Open Source community-driven projects just like Joomla!

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  443 Hits

How to translate JCM articles in your own language


Here at Joomla Community Magazine Headquarters we love it when someone comes up to us saying they wish to translate our articles in their own language. Maybe you’ve thought of this as well, but don’t know how and where to start. This article gets you going with three tips that might come in handy.

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  1658 Hits

Joomla's L10N-hearted

August-L10N Joomla Localization

Localisation is at Joomla's heart. Currently supporting over 75 world languages for Joomla 3, Joomla! speaks more languages than any other content management system. Joomla 4 is launching today with over 20 language packs available. Many more will follow quickly with the community's help.

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  3290 Hits

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