Dealing with multilanguage websites might result difficult, especially when you have a different domain name for each of the languages handled. Let's see how to use Joomla 4 in a successfull multilanguage and multidomain implementation.
2173 Hits
Localisation is at Joomla's heart. Currently supporting over 75 world languages for Joomla 3, Joomla! speaks more languages than any other content management system. Joomla 4 is launching today with over 20 language packs available. Many more will follow quickly with the community's help.
3041 Hits
In these times, with the rise of e-commerce, having a multi-language website is essential to expand our online business globally. Customers find it more convenient to shop in their language. In many cases, it is also necessary for countries that have more than one official language.
3344 Hits
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