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Joomla Production Teams goals for the next quarter


Have you ever wondered what goes on in departments? Or heard people within the community talk about ivory towers, them and us, hidden agendas and wondered if any of that was true? The reality is much more boring than a conspiracy theory. When volunteering, giving your time to write code, the part everyone hates is writing the documentation, and writing a forward plan (roadmap but less solid, aspirational) comes at the very bottom of the priority list!

Well, let us make that change. Let's introduce you to the Production department’s team goals for the next quarter.

One idea to help with transparency is to plan ahead and set up a series of goals. The first round was internal only, and now that it's becoming established and working, the Production Department wants to share them with you.


This transparency shows what the volunteer teams within the Production Department are planning and will help to bring the volunteer community together. There is also another easy way to get closer to what is planned and become part of the process: simply join a team!

Automated Testing Team

  • Switch End-to-end tests from Selenium/Codeception to Cypress
  • Introduce Renovatebot to all repositories

Bug Squad

The Bug Squad team decided not to publish any goals for 2022/Q3

CMS Maintenance Team

The CMS Maintenance team decided to set an additional focus on PRs older than 1/1/2022. All PRs should either be closed because they will not make it in the core at all or an integration path should be outlined how integration could work and which version should be targeted.

CMS Release Team

The CMS Release team set the following goals:

  • Find new release leads for 4.3 by June 2022
  • Create a list of requirements for release leads
  • Check if Automated Testing Documentation works on local setup for testing releases
  • Implement local automated tests in coordination with ATT
  • Get at least two more testers into the team for the long-term (4 on 20.3.2022)
  • All 4.2 Releases (Alpha, Beta and RCs) are released as planned
  • Release 4.2 on Aug 16, 2022
  • Time plan for release dates for 4.3
  • Languages: Get more Languages for Joomla 4 (+10)
  • Languages: Improving and documenting the onboarding process for new translators
  • Languages: Improving and documenting the core-translations repo process for a new TT
  • Finalize the Post-release process
  • Define a checklist for developers including documentation to be followed, before a feature can be merged.

Documentation Team

  • Prepare the participation at Google Season of Docs (GSoD) with Dev. Docs
  • Complete the J4 documentation

Joomla Accessibility Team

The Joomla Accessibility team set the following goals:

  • Harden the alt-text params for images
  • Start documentation.
  • Check existing docs
  • Write or search code snippets for best practice sites
  • Mentor Google Summer of Code (GSoC) Accessibility Plugin Project, perform tests
  • Publish Accessibility articles for selected problems
  • Support the landing page for Joomla 4.2
  • Add an a11y-issue form to the joomla landing page

Joomla! Enhancement Development Team

  • Wrapping up the preparation for Google Season of Docs or any other documentation program.

Security Strike Team

  • Implementation of TUF for Joomla! 4.3

Software Architecture & Strategy Team

The Software Architecture & Strategy team set the following goals:

  • Check the member list on the Volunteers Portal
  • Define collaboration with the CMS Release Team

That wraps it up for this quarter's goals.

It's great to see the transparency feeding throughout the organization. It really is a team effort to get Joomla versions released and the additional work in detailing, discussing and documenting quarterly goals is hopefully appreciated.

If you would like to help any of the teams, please get in touch directly with the team via the
volunteer portal: https://volunteers.joomla.org/departments/production
or leave a comment below showing your commitment and thus inspiring others to do likewise.

Some articles published on the Joomla Community Magazine represent the personal opinion or experience of the Author on the specific topic and might not be aligned to the official position of the Joomla Project

The July Issue
Meet the Team: Joomla Security Strike Team


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