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The Power of Twitter

The Power of Twitter

If you haven't heard of Twitter, you've been living under a rock. Twitter is one of the fastest growing social networks on the Planet. It's the fastest growing for an older 55-65 demographic. It also gets a lot of interaction. This month we had a chance to sit down with Twitter Expert Branden Hampton. Branden manages the most interactive handle on Twitter @notebook.

Because of the significant role Twitter plays in the Joomla project and community (check out this Forbes article....) as well as my own free hosting company, I took the opportunity to sit down with Branden to discuss the power behind Twitter and the fortunes it can bring to you and your business. Enjoy the interview!

What is they key to getting a mention on Twitter?

Ask a question or make a statement that encourages someone to engage back. Telling Justin Bieber you love him or Chris Brown you hate him isn't going to get you anything. When you ask a question to a specific person, typically they'll write back!

What is the key to getting a retweet on Twitter?

You have to come up with interesting and unique messages for your audience. Sculpt tweets around things that they would find interesting. If they like it enough, they will retweet it. Keep in mind, it's not about you...it's about them and what they want. If you're constantly pushing your brand or products on them... they will leave you and never come back. Give them what they want and they will be loyal forever.

Note to reader: I applied this on my own company's Twitter account and have increased engagement by over 1600% in the past month!

How do you market different to people on Twitter/Facebook/Instagram/Pinterest/Google+?

Twitter for individuals is a communication tool with their friends and business associates; it's a media source and the way that people receive their news and information now... in real time. For a business, Twitter is an instant customer service line where people can get answers and solutions to their problems, fast, and 24/7. It's an excellent way to gain and keep customers.

Facebook is used on more of a personal level; communicating with closer relationships in your life, family, and such. It's very personal and very exclusive; it's not as good for businesses because of the limited features Facebook allows businesses to implement.

Instagram is the new king on the block for content – people like photos. They're easy to consume and it feeds the need of the ADHD short attention span way that people interact. Now they also allow videos, which is a great play for brands because you can convey a short 15-second message to your customers and they never have to read anything.

Google+ is just too small to gain my interest and it's likely never going to change unless Google really pushes it harder and attracts people to it more with a value added proposition.

Pinterest is a unique way to share content, a la photos once again. The only downfall to this platform is that there's a lack of ways to monetize this platform. You could sell products of course, but the one component that Pinterest is missing is the ability to find something you like (say, a pair of jeans that you repin) and buy them.

What is the one book that you recommend our community should read and why?

I can't name one book that has helped me more than others, I think just reading in general (articles, blogs, books) gets your brain flowing and fills you up with information. The more information you have, the more interesting you'll become and the good content will flow.

Three people we should follow on Twitter and why?

This is relative; follow the leaders in your industry. This is different for everyone. Follow the people who you want to mock, imitate, and learn from to make yourself better.

What other networks are you excited about?

Twitter is my baby, but Instagram really excites me. It literally consumes my life. Keep in mind, if you haven't installed the Twitter Joomla widget, you should do it today!

Are you seeing engagement switch from Facebook to Instagram (or any other network)?

Facebook is limiting itself in terms of publishers and businesses, so they're all migrating to Twitter and Instagram because their TOS is more open and free when it comes to advertising and monetizing your audience.

What is the big picture for you?

I'm gonna be the guy's face you see 100 years from now when they talk about how social media killed traditional media and became the new medium for advertisers to spend their billions of dollars.

What do you do when you're not working?

I'm all about experiences, not so much things. I travel a few times a month (because I can work and travel) and I love eating at restaurants and experimenting with new foods. I'm an avid Denver Broncos fan and I've been touring with them to a few games this year. I also enjoy playing poker, it's the new chess and it's very challenging.

What is the best social network out there to push your brand? Why?

Twitter and Instagram once again – both are massively engaging in their own way. Photos to entertain and engage your audience, text to answers questions and provide information. Biggest thing about any network...don't be self-promotional and learn from what the big boys of interaction are doing. Mimic them and apply to your niche. You can make any network big but I personally love Twitter cause of the power behind it!

Make sure to follow @joomla on Twitter!


Some articles published on the Joomla Community Magazine represent the personal opinion or experience of the Author on the specific topic and might not be aligned to the official position of the Joomla Project

Die JUG Ecke - Ausgabe September 2013


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