Captivated by Joomla's Magic!
How can anyone be crazy about some application, game, or web technology? This was me few years ago, until I came across this powerful content management system: Joomla!
Two years ago, I hadn't even heard the word 'Joomla!', but on the first day of my job I was told that I would be working with a technology called 'Joomla'. I was excited to learn it, but I treated it as 'just a new technology'. To be very honest, I was never into coding thing before, and was absolutley new to this area. I never thought that day, when I was standing with my team leader (who was about to introduce and train me in this field), that one day I would be so captivated by Jthe magic of Joomla.
Joomla means 'all together', which really proves to be special for me as it is the reason of my existance today in the world of web development.
I was a happy coder, simply coding in Joomla, developing various extensions, and busy with customizations and so on. The real twist came into my life when I attended my very first Joomla World Conference: the Joomla World Conference (JWC15), held in Bangalore, India. Many among us have been to a Joomla World Conference earlier, but for me it was my first conference, which proved to be a wonderful memory and learning experience. What follows is a glimpse of my perspective, disguised in words briefly describing different aspects of the conference.
"What kind of world of is it? What kind of people are these? Will I feel isolated in this new environment? All such questions pop into my head, with the very first step I took into the conference venue. The space is filled with positive energy, lights and most importantly, "SMILES". Every person gave a comforting smile to others, and my fears were dispelled instantly. In the registration corner I took my identification card and a bag of goodies, including a Joomla! t-shirt. Now my exploration of this new environment began, since I had my identification confirming that I was not a bot to harm this place ;) Here, I see all different kinds of people belonging to different worlds, but with one single common thing: Joomla Love! The conference was very well organized, with properly aligned sessions and workshops led by the masters and learned speakers. Meeting the person who developed the extension you have been using, or whose name you have seen in the Joomla Extensions Directory, was quite a different experience. The main entrance was filled with the creative booths of the conference sponsors. All of the big names, I saw together with unique gifts for us offering such beautiful smiles on every face attending the conference."
Ah! I am rejunivated by this exquisite memory of mine. I hope this may also have taken you into your memory of the conference. I learned new things, creative thinking, and made serveral new connections from all over the world. It was here when I realized that now I just want to grow more and more with the community, and spread its knowledge and love.
From Coding to Conference, this is how I am captivated by Joomla's magic. It surprises me with its methodologies and ultrafine organized sessions. Everything is Awesome!
Some articles published on the Joomla Community Magazine represent the personal opinion or experience of the Author on the specific topic and might not be aligned to the official position of the Joomla Project
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