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JoomlaDay Events in February and March 2013

JoomlaDay Events in February and March 2013

JoomlaDay™ events are officially recognized, but not organized, by the Joomla! Project and Open Source Matters, Inc (OSM). Each event is managed independently by a local community.

There is some financial support available via OSM (who manages the finances of the Joomla! project), to help JoomlaDay organizers, but these events would not happen if it was not for the hard work, enthusiasm and participation of the local Joomla! communities, and the generosity of their sponsors.

2013 kicked off with a JoomlaDay in Melbourne, Australia.

All indications are that the event was a great success, with a good mix of local and international guests. Videos of the event should be available online soon.

JoomlaDay India - Mumbai

On the 9th and 10th of February 2013, JoomlaDay India - Mumbai will be held at The Mirage Hotel. This is the 3rd JoomlaDay event in India.

The aim is to provide you with the unique opportunity to Share, Inspire, Collaborate and Network with Joomla users, developers, trainers and service providers.

Tickets for this event are free. According to the organizers, 300 tickets have already been booked, and they've released another 150 tickets. Register now to secure your place!

More information at: http://www.joomladayindia.in
You can also follow them on Twitter: http://twitter.com/joomladayin
and use the Twitter hashtag: #JD13IN
or find them on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JoomlaDayIndia

JoomlaDay North Carolina

JoomlaDay North Carolina is the first Joomla event in the Southeast United States, reaching out to Joomla users and developers from around the South.

With several collaborative sessions and over a dozen speakers for full day of Joomla sessions and collaboration planned, we're excited about helping Joomla administrators, site owners, and developers connect, share, learn more, and grow their Joomla skills.

The event will be held at Duke University, on Saturday the 23rd of February 2013. According to the organizers, tickets are still available.

More information at: http://joomladaync.org
You can also follow them on Twitter: https://twitter.com/JoomlaDayNC
and use the Twitter hashtag: #jdnc 

Planning ahead:

JoomlaDay Gabon 2013

The second edition of JoomlaDay Gabon is planned for Thursday, March 07, 2013 at Institut Africain d'Informatique.

Joomla Day Afrique Centrale est organisée par le Groupe TIC (Technologies de l'Information et de la communication) d' Attac Gabon en partenariat avec le Cercle Africain de Développement Communautaire - CADEC

For more information: http://joomladaygabon.info

JoomlaDay Boston

JoomlaDay Boston will take place on Saturday, March 16, 2013 at The Microsoft NERD Center (New England Research and Development) at Kendall Square, One Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA.

This is the first JoomlaDay event in Boston, USA! They have a full day planned with sessions for the beginning, intermediate and advanced user. It will be Joomla on Saturday, and a good St. Patrick's Day Irish parade in South Boston on Sunday.

Get your tickets now and save $20. Breakfast and lunch is included, as well as lots of great give-aways!

More information at: http://www.joomladayboston.com
You can also follow them on Twitter: https://twitter.com/joomladayboston
and use the Twitter hashtag: #JD13BOS

Joomladay France 2013

When it's Spring in Europa, it's time for the 7th Annual JoomlaDay France! This year's event is on the 23rd and 24th of March 2013 in Toulouse at IUT Toulouse Blagnac.

L'AFUJ continue son tour de France et a donc choisi cette année Toulouse pour se rapprocher des utilisateurs, très nombreux en province et dans toute la francophonie. La capitale de la région Midi-Pyrénées, accueillera plus de 400 participants lors de ces deux journées.

Que l'on soit novice, professionnel ou simplement curieux, les interventions seront faites par des acteurs dont la notoriété n'est plus à démontrer dans le monde de Joomla!

The event is organized by AFUJ (L'Association Francophone des Utilisateurs de Joomla!)

More information at: http://www.joomladay.fr
You can also follow them on Twitter: https://twitter.com/joomlafuj
and use the Twitter hashtag: #jd13fr

Other events:

JandBeyond 2013

JandBeyond is an international Joomla Sitebuilder and Developer Conference by attendees for attendees.

The 4th year of this annual conference will take place from May 31 - June 2 2013 in the NH Conference Centre Leeuwenhorst, Noordwijkerhout (near Amsterdam), The Netherlands.

JandBeyond is your opportunity to share your knowledge and learn in over 60 sessions from the best Joomla Sitebuilders and Developers in the Joomla Community. In addition to the many sessions, the social networking provides an opportunity to meet the people behind the avatar, share a beer and simply have fun. JandBeyond is an event all about sharing.

More information can be found at http://jandbeyond.org
You can also follow them on Twitter: https://twitter.com/jandbeyond
and use the Twitter hashtag: #jab13

For help and information on organizing a JoomlaDay event:


For more JoomlaDay events, and Joomla! User Group (JUG) meetups, visit: http://events.joomla.org

Some articles published on the Joomla Community Magazine represent the personal opinion or experience of the Author on the specific topic and might not be aligned to the official position of the Joomla Project



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