Why choose Joomla for your e-Commerce website

Why choose Joomla for your e-Commerce website

While Content Management Systems (CMS) reduce the burdens associated with building a website, particularly an e-Commerce one, choosing the right system is a pretty hard decision by itself. The three biggest CMSs every eCommerce entrepreneur has to consider are a pretty popular in the CMS world and eCommerce entrepreneurs usually end up choosing one of them for their website. Joomla takes the cake because of its extensive functionality, ease of use, extendability and its ability to deliver a wholesome online business experience.

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5 Must Have Extensions and Tools for Joomla Businesses

5 Must Have Extensions and Tools for Joomla Businesses

My first car was a Geo Metro and to save a couple bucks I would change the oil on it myself. It's not hard to do, however I didn't have any real tools beyond a crescent wrench and a robo-wrench. I would try not to strip the plug in the 6 inches of space under the car using the crescent and then catch the oil in milk jugs that I sliced the tops off of. Then, I would attempt to unscrew the filter with the robo wrench. This had a 50-50 chance of mangling it and spilling oil as I torqued it. These tools made the job a 45 minute trial where I would bloody my knuckles, get covered in oil, and end up cleaning puddles of it off the street. Eventually, I wised up and bought a ratchet set, an oil wrench, and a pan to catch the plug and all that oil.  The difference was magical: it became a 15 minute job without swearing, blood loss, or environmental catastrophes. And it was all because I used the right tools.

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JoomlaDay Minnesota 2016: An Event You Want To Attend

JoomlaDay Minnesota 2016: An Event You Want To Attend
What started as a content management system(CMS) has become so much more over time. Yes, it is now the second largest CMS in the world, but it is also a thriving community. Millions of people are already using Joomla for either personal or work reasons. Many of those people actively communicate with one another.
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The Evolution of the Internet from a geek’s paradise to a consumer ecosystem

The Evolution of the Internet from a geek’s paradise to a consumer ecosystem

In the last 10 years, the internet has evolved at a rapid pace. Completely new ecosystems and markets have emerged on this backbone. The distribution of the userbase of the internet is completely different today than what it was a few years ago. In this article let's explore the impact of this change on content management systems and where things might go from here. 

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