Presentado apps para móviles en la Joomla World Conference 2015

Presentado apps para móviles en la Joomla World Conference 2015

Siendo este mi primer artículo para la Joomla! Magazine, un poco de contexto acerca de mi. Empecé a trabajar con Joomla! desde el año 2007, desarrollando sitios web como consultor y luego a desarrollar extensiones profesionalmente como un medio de vida. Poco a poco comencé a colaborar tímidamente con la la comunidad. Hoy en día participo activamente como Marketing Manager en el Joomla! Extensions Directory (JED) y contribuyo en el Joomla! StackExchange y en el Joomla! Bug Squad. Finalmente, como consecuencia de esta mega conferencia, junto a un equipo de colaboradores creamos el Joomla Mobile Apps working group. Pero, ya me estoy adelantando, desde aquí una descripción más organizada de los sucesos.

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  2486 Hits

3 Common Mistakes Joomla Beginners Make

3 Common Mistakes Joomla Beginners Make

Here are a few of the key mistakes that I've noticed most newbie Joomla users make and how to avoid them. Use the tips below to become an expert Joomla user overnight and avoid all the new user behaviors.

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  9289 Hits

Make A Positive Difference In Your Community This Year

Make A Positive Difference In Your Community This Year

With a new year upon us and the 10 year anniversary of Joomla behind us we’re all looking to the future. This is the beginning of a new era in the Joomla community and what we do this year will shape our future. As individuals we have the power to change the community for the better and there is no better time than now to make positive changes. Here are some ways we can make a positive difference in our community this year.

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  25540 Hits

#JWC15 - The African Way

If you are reading this article, you would be pleased to know that am alive. I have just returned from Joomla World Conference 2015. My journey took me through some of the world’s busiest Airports – Abu Dhabi (AUH) and Mumbai (BOM) formerly known as Bombay International.

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  6480 Hits

Diversión en JED: solución de errores y desarrollo de mejoras

Diversión en JED: solución de errores y desarrollo de mejoras

El Directorio de Extensiones de Joomla será de código abierto.

Hace un año, lanzamos El Nuevo Directorio de Extensiones de Joomla!. Ahora, ha llegado el momento del próximo salto cuántico en el ciclo de vida del JED. Vamos a abrir el proceso de desarrollo a todos los miembros de la comunidad. Vamos a tener mucha diversión en JED!

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  2435 Hits

Increase your Authority with your membership site

Increase your Authority with your membership site

Yes, your membership site can make you more of the expert! All things being equal, people buy from who they know, like and trust. Use your membership site to increase your authority and therefore your level of perceived trust.

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  7103 Hits

Volunteer Syndrome - Part One

Volunteer Syndrome - Part One

How many times have you heard a person referred to as "just a volunteer" as though "Justa" were a first name?

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  9604 Hits

Stay Fit with Joomla!

Stay Fit with Joomla!

Since mid year a group of sporty Joomlers joined their efforts and created the Joomla! Sport Club group on Facebook, a great place to find people who love sports and Joomla!. Whether you run, cycle or practice any other sport, there is room for you.

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  8187 Hits

My Joomla Journey

My Joomla Journey

I recently had the joy and privilege to keynote at both PHP World and the Joomla World Conference in November 2015, and both were amazing experiences. Thanks to the keynotes and my involvement with the Joomla community, I wanted to share with you how I got to where I am now, and how your life and career could take similar paths.

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  7354 Hits

Joomla: Reflection and Celebration

Joomla: Reflection and Celebration

As we celebrate (along with many in the Joomla community) the start of 2016, we look at some of the highlights of 2015

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