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Stay Fit with Joomla!

Stay Fit with Joomla!

Since mid year a group of sporty Joomlers joined their efforts and created the Joomla! Sport Club group on Facebook, a great place to find people who love sports and Joomla!. Whether you run, cycle or practice any other sport, there is room for you.

One of the stereotypes that web developers and in general computer friendly people have to face, is the one about sedentarism and laziness and maybe because of it, it looks difficult to step up and say: I love computers and practice sports regularly. But our great community in Joomla! makes it possible to defeat these old thoughts and open new ways of building community.

Right now there are 2 strong communities who share their efforts in this group: Bikers with their JCycle site and Runners with no site yet, but a work in progress ;).

JCycle Team

All started 2014 with JCycle group. Some Joomlers keen on biking decided to start biking together. They were miles away from each other, but thanks to web, they could see each other progress in their cycling.

The data is impressive: 24000 miles biked in 2015 and best of all, great pictures taken along the way ;).

Also JCycle guys found a great sponsor, tec-promotion.de who donates 1 cent per km to charity, and it helps us to keep our motivation at the top. Past 2015 Challenge we raised 386.39€ for Neuroblastom research.

You can find more information about the JCycle team at their site and you can also join our 2016 JCycle challenge at Endomondo.

JRun Team

Since 2011 at J and Beyond event we had been doing a performance run in the mornings at the event venue surroundings, so after this year in Prague, we also decided to start our own JRun challenge and we have run more than 3604 miles since then.

We are a young community and we are working on our website, but we are fully committed to our workouts and really serious about beating this mark next year ;). You can join our 2016 JRun challenge at Endomondo.

Also you can talk to us in Twitter with the Hashtag #jrunning :

It's not about sports actually

But all this is not really about sports. What I have found is great people with whom I share two passions: Joomla! and Sports and this has helped me connect with them and keep knowing people in the Joomla Community.

At the beginning of this year we are ready for 2016 challenges and we hope you join us to keep generating endorphins that will help you stay more #jpositive ;).
Join us and help us gain more miles to keep Joomla on track!!

Working out with others (even in the distance) can also help you to accomplish your goals. In JRun Hans Van Der Meer tells us how 2015 Joomla! Run World Challenge helped him to train harder:

Once a year I do a run abroad (for me, outside the Netherlands), together with my wife and 1 or 2 running friends. This year we chose the San Sebastian (half) marathon (in Spain of course). I participated in the half marathon, that’s 21.0975km. I’ve been training a bit tougher to get into shape, also participating in the Endomondo “Joomla! Running World Challenge 2015” challenge.

The race was great, beautiful weather, and my training efforts were worth while since the race ended in a personal record of 1:41:23. Ninety seconds faster than my previous PR. The challenge helped me a bit more to push my efforts to this result. Next to the Endomondo challenge a few of us #jrunners also do some tweet with the hashtag #jrunning. So, if you also like running. Perhaps you can participate in the challenge or use the #jrunning hashtag on twitter.

You can check his race at Endomondo: https://www.endomondo.com/users/21622124/workouts/639201571

Personally I have to admit it has also been a great push to be involved in the Challenges. I joined JCycle because I was riding my bike to attend my Tennis training sessions and I thought it would be nice to help in the Charity effort, but since I joined the challenge I started to feel more involved with the Bike team and I started to train with my bike (which I had never done before) and it helped me to actually get ready to do my first Triathlon!!

It's really great to be able to connect with others in this fashion and I do hope you join us on the 2016 challenges and help us beat our registries!!

Some articles published on the Joomla Community Magazine represent the personal opinion or experience of the Author on the specific topic and might not be aligned to the official position of the Joomla Project



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