New Look Template Manager - Project Update
This is an update on my GSoC 2013 project - Improvements to the Template Manager for CMS 3. Do checkout the video that I've done and tell me what do you think about the project.
Hello Everyone,
I wanted some feedback from the community and also wanted the people from the community to test the features that I've added. You can either test the features or just have a look at the video that I've done and provide me with your valuable feedback and any other improvement that you may want to see in the Template Manager.
Feature Tracker:
Setting Up:
First of all, make a remote of my repository:
git remote add myremote
Then setup a local branch ‘testing’ to track remote branch ‘test’ from ‘myremote’ and checkout to that local branch:
git checkout -b testing myremote/test
Test Instruction/Feature Update
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