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Back to Life...

Back to Life...

As the summer ends, we head back to school, back to work, and back to reality. With the release of Joomla 3.0 this month, there is no looking back... we have a lot to look forward to in the Joomlasphere!

This is our biggest issue ever! We have articles ranging from the imminent release of Joomla! 3.0, to interviews about Bootstrap and JUX, Role-Based ACL, the Google Summer of Code, and the upcoming Joomla! World Conference

There are more international articles in one issue than ever before, including the newly added Catalan and Basque categories! AND, we have decided to bring back the much loved (and missed) Haiku! This month's theme is communication.

We also have an important article which generated a long discussion in the JCM chat. Written by Luke Summerfield, it addresses the issue of education vs advertising in the magazine. Please take a moment to read, and comment on this matter. We would really appreciate the community’s input to be sure that we are treating everyone fairly.

Now for a bit of our own self-promotion… Alice and I will be giving a presentation at the Joomla! World Conference in November entitled, “Everything You Always Wanted to Know About the JCM (But Were Afraid to Ask)”. Be sure to get your tickets early! Come hear how you can become an esteemed contributor to the JCM, whether as a writer or as technical support. I hope you will join us! Teaser: there might be an extra special give-away to a lucky JCM session attendee! 

With every Joomla event that I attend, I have the opportunity to meet and get to know so many members of the world-wide Joomla community. We are so fortunate to have such dedicated individuals who give so much of their time and talent to the Joomla project. We would not be where we are today without you! Book your tickets now to the JWC! Let's rock San Jose and the eBay Town Hall with our awesomesauce! 

As always, thank you for supporting the Joomla! Community Magazine with your input, your comments, your articles and your enthusiasm. Enjoy this issue!

Some articles published on the Joomla Community Magazine represent the personal opinion or experience of the Author on the specific topic and might not be aligned to the official position of the Joomla Project

Post your Haikus for September


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