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Joomla in Transition

Joomla in Transition

A fitting milestone for the Joomla project as it turns 10 is the process of implementing its new structure for governance. All of the effort that has gone into proposing and defining that process aims to take Joomla into the next decade and beyond by enabling great coding to continue, teams to be run more efficiently and have more impact, and the fundamental project value of community volunteerism to be upheld.

The Structure Team worked for over a year to gather the elements for a new leadership vision. Their work ends this month, as the Transition Team takes over to now begin implementing that vision. You can meet the members of this new team here: https://community.joomla.org/blogs/leadership/1876-introducing-the-transition-team.html

Countless hours of work go into these teams. A huge thank you goes to the members of the Structure Team for all the work they did. And the Transition Team deserves a big round of encouragement and thanks for stepping up to carry on the work of positive change.

A thank you is also in store for the teams for all the work that brought about the important security and technical upgrade to the Joomla.org website. Responsive design and smoother navigation are some of the visual benefits of these improvements.

Joomla’s 10th birthday celebration has been a time to hear from so many blog posts, articles and tweets how much Joomla means to people. This month we say thanks to some of the people who have worked hard to make Joomla great, as in “It’s a Magical Place” and “Celebrating the 10th Birthday of Open Source Matters”.

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