Joomla! Day USA West 2010 - An Un-Conference
Many exciting Joomla! Days are coming in the near future all around the globe. While on-line communication and collaboration is great, nothing beats the opportunity of meeting in person. I am delighted to see so many Joomla! Days being announced from Nigeria to Denmark, Brazil to the US. So many chances to meet, share and learn.
Joomla! Day USA West 2010 in San J! California, October 1-3 and Joomla! Day DC October 16.
The Un-Conference
Every Joomla! Day is different in many ways; some are just one day and others are multi-day events. But every Joomla! Day event has two things in common: Joomla! and its users. To really focus on the users Joomla! Day West USA 2010 has announced Saturday, October 2nd as the Un-Conference. The entire day will be hosted by Allen “Gunner” Gunn, and there is “no” agenda, other than focusing on what the participants want to explore and talk about.
A unique approach
Having facilitated previous Joomla! events, including Joomla! Days, Allen will use his unique approach to have the attendees co-design the agenda so the user's concerns will be addressed in the best possible manner. Joomla! Day West 2010 will also have the unique benefit of having most of the Joomla! Production Leadership team present; so in addition to local Joomla! experts, the conference can spontaneously set up break-out sessions with the best possible leader when the attendees want to discuss a specific issue.
The Hackable Conference
The second day, dubbed the Hackable Conference, will follow a more conventional lay-out with scheduled presentations by Andrew Eddie, Louis Landry, Ron Severdia and Joe LeBlanc. While the days are information packed, some might get the most out the conference's “off sessions” by building personal relationships that can be beneficial not only on a personal level, but ultimately also benefit the community.
For more information please listen to the interview with Mike Hamanaka and James Forman below.
It's like getting paid
The organizing team has been working hard to secure financial sponsors, thus, they have been able to lower the price from the original announced registration fee to $50 for a three-day conference pass, including free breakfast and lunch on Saturday and Sunday.
The $150 VIP registration fee comes with a bunch of cool stuff, including the book “Using Joomla!”, and a free extension of choice from iJoomla, a total value that exceeds the VIP registration fee!
Joomla! Day USA West 2010 registration is now open at
Listen to the interview
If you have any information on upcoming Joomla! events please contact the
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