SDGs, The Open Government Partnership, and Joomla!
If you read the news on a regular basis, you may have noticed that the United Nations has been prominently feataured over the last few months, but not only because of the refugee crisis, or other sad news...
What are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?
SDGs are the continuation of the UN Millennium Development Goals that were approved in 2000, to reduce extreme poverty and illness in developing countries.These new SDGs substitute the previous MDGs, focusing not only in the developing countries, but in each and every country around the world. Sustainability is at the top of the Agenda, in a clear effort to battle climate change.
Througout 2015, three meetings are key to understanding and securing the success of the SDGs. The first one was held last July in Addis Ababa, to develop new financing and legal frameworks to support the so-called Post-15 Agenda. The second was held this past September to approve the 17 new SDGs at the UN General Assembly celebrated in New York. Finally, the third meeting, still in 2015, will be held this coming December in Paris for a Universal Climate Agreement against climate change, and maybe this time, even China and the USA will be ready to make real commitments.
If you’re interested in more details, please read the preparatory document from UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon.
What is the Open Government Partnership?
The OGP was launched in 2011 to provide an international platform for domestic reformers committed to making their governments more open, accountable, and responsive to citizens. Since then, the OGP has grown from 8 countries to the 66 participating countries indicated on the map below. In all of these countries, government and civil society are working together to develop and implement ambitious open government reforms.
Open Government from The Academy on Vimeo.
On October 27 - 29, 2015, the Open Government Partnership Global Summit was held in Mexico DF, with around 2000 attendees, discussing how to apply open government, open data, transparency, accountability, good practices, etc., to their respective local governments, and also share their experiences among them.
No one left behind
Women, youth, the elderly, mentally-ill people, ethnic minorities, land-locked countries, lesser developed countries, transparency, accountability, south-south cooperation, horizontal and transversal cooperation between international, national, regional, local authorities, NGOs and civil society, volunteering, are only a few examples of terms used in the new paradigm of global governance proposed by the UN Secretary General and the Open Government Partnership.
Why should all that matter us, as Joomla community?
You are probably already asking yourselves this. And if not, you should. As we all know, Joomla is one of the most flexible, secure, easy to use, responsive, open-source CMSs available. We are ready to help all of the above mentioned communities, all around the globe, to communicate and interact between them, to build relations inside and amongst communities, and positively contribute to build a better world.
Joomla, what do we already have?
Joomla is very well attuned to the new winds blowing in global governance. In addition to the above mentioned CMS features, as an organization, we are celebrating our 10th Anniversary. We are 100% volunteers, with a supportive, big, healthy and growing community, literally thousands of extensions, extensive documentation in the main languages, community technical support, the CMS is translated into more than 65 languages, JUGs and Joomla Days in are held in every corner, there are two main annual world meetings, training, and even certification where needed. We also have extensive experience with Gov sites and hundreds of successful business models built around our loved CMS… also joomla 4 is on the near horizon.
We are ready to provide such big array of tools to thousands of communities everywhere, both government and non-government. There is a big opportunity for Joomla, right here, right now, and we are ready to rock.
Note from author: During the Joomla World Conference 2015 from 6th to 8th November (#jwc15) I'll have the opportunity to go deeper on these matters in my season on Open Source in a developing World next Sunday Nov 8th at 14:45 in Ballroom 1. Everyone is invited.
You can follow me in twitter: @garzinan
Some articles published on the Joomla Community Magazine represent the personal opinion or experience of the Author on the specific topic and might not be aligned to the official position of the Joomla Project
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