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Leadership Highlights - June 2012

Leadership Highlights - June 2012

Joomla! project leadership clocked a lot of travel miles last month as they got out to attend the JandBeyond conference and participate in the joint leadership summit. Much was learned, new friends were made, and all were enriched by the opportunity for exchange with the community.

Beyond your wildest Joomla! dreams

For the third year in a row, the JandBeyond conference held in Bad Nauheim, Germany, Elvis Presley's home away from home during his military service, hit it out of the park. This Europe-based event attracts so many who make and shape Joomla! and its extensions. Between its keynote speakers, workshops, breakout sessions, lightening talks, and the JOSCARs, there is something for everyone, and everyone has fun. It is a great opportunity to network and enjoy being a part of the Joomla! community. This year it became an occasion for a joint leadership summit, and 17 members from CLT, the PLT and OSM were present. Check out this roundup of attendee reactions https://community.joomla.org/blogs/community/1581-jab-2012.html. Oh, and the King really does live – if you don't believe me take a look at these photos!

Joint leadership summit

Fifteen members of the Joomla! leadership met following JandBeyond for two days. Top on their agenda was discussing possibilities for improvement of the current leadership structure. As the leadership involves three distinct teams, and not all could attend, the specifics of those meetings will be posted once all team members have been briefed and had a chance to give their input. Until then, a summary has been posted: https://community.joomla.org/blogs/leadership/1579-2012-joint-leadership-summary.html. The leadership is indebted to the community members who spent time prior to these meetings to examine leadership structure changes which helped to frame the discussions. More coming on that soon!

JED Update

To learn how the Joomla Extension Directory (JED) will handle the version numbering system, read The JED and Version Support. This is important information, especially for the devs listing extensions in the JED. 

Roadmap Meeting

A Roadmap meeting was held at JandBeyond, which is the opportunity for community members to give direct input in framing the direction of code development. You can read and comment on those discussion here: https://community.joomla.org/blogs/community/1580-joomla-roadmap-meeting-held-at-j-and-beyond.html.

Some articles published on the Joomla Community Magazine represent the personal opinion or experience of the Author on the specific topic and might not be aligned to the official position of the Joomla Project

Designing Joomla! Websites - Form vs Functionality


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