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Joomla! World Conference 2012

Joomla! World Conference 2012

Joomla!’s first World conference is just around the corner! Set for November 16th-18th in the heart of Silicon Valley, USA, the Joomla! World Conference brings together Joomla users, builders, and developers from around the world. For one weekend, the international Joomla community will meet for a first of its kind event in the Joomla world.

Get Your Tickets NOW! 

Limited offer price of only $199 for THREE action-packed days of Joomla fun! 

Community Sessions

The Joomla! World Conference packs an impressive 70 sessions on a wide range of topics and skill levels into just three days. Enyone attending will definitely have a hard time deciding which sessions to attend – don’t worry though, we’ve got you covered, all the sessions will be recorded and available online after the conference for the entire Joomla community. With topics ranging from SEO and business to Joomla programming and platform development, there’s plenty of sessions for everyone, and we’ve even made time for some code sprints and time to get to know the Joomla leadership.


Even with all those great sessions, that’s not all you’ll get. With six keynote speeches throughout the conference, anyone attending is in for a real treat with great sessions like an “enlightening” presentation from KevinJohn Gallagher on Open Source, Steve Fisher on Responsive Design, and more including a look at what will be the newly released Joomla 3.0 with Kyle Ledbetter and Mark Dexter. Bottom line, for anyone wanting to find out what Joomla is about, or dive in deeper to the Joomla Project and community, the Joomla! World Conference is the place to be!


Besides all of that, hands down the best part of the Joomla! World Conference will be the community. Chatting via Skype, or talking on a mailing list can’t compete with the opportunity to meet Joomla enthusiasts from around the world and people you’ve collaborated or worked with in the Joomla community in person. The conference includes several social events for attendees, giving you the ability to catch up, and connect with old friends, and make even more new ones.

Where do I Get Started?

For anyone interested in coming to join us at the first ever Joomla! World Conference, visit the conference website for just about everything you need to know.

Travel: We’ve compiled several resources for people travelling to the event no matter where you’re starting from. For those travelling internationally who might need a Visa to attend, we’ve got information to help you get your visa to attend on our Travel page.

Lodging: Anyone still looking for a place to stay can stop by our Hotel page where we’ve gathered information about nearby hotels, and even have links to specially negotiated low rates just for conference attendees staying at the conference hotel. We’ve also got a special forum thread for anyone looking to share or split the cost of a room.

Sponsors: For anyone looking to sponsor the first Joomla! World Conference, visit our Sponsors page for more information.

Tickets: And don’t forget, you’ll need tickets which include full access to the entire three day conference, entry to the social events, lunch, and refreshments throughout the day.

Stay tuned!

There’s even more exciting things in the works that we still have yet to announce, so stay tuned to the Joomla! Events twitter feed, tweet out with the #JWC12 hashtag, or follow news about the conference on Facebook or at our Google+ Event Page.

Some articles published on the Joomla Community Magazine represent the personal opinion or experience of the Author on the specific topic and might not be aligned to the official position of the Joomla Project

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