Connecting third-party PHP libraries in Joomla

JCM - Joomla Tutorial Connection third-party libraries

When developing websites or extensions for Joomla, sometimes tasks arise that have already been solved by someone. In the development world, such solutions are designed as libraries - sets of files and classes that make it possible to simply plug them into your script and use code written and well-tested by other developers. These can be php libraries for image processing, working with PDF, connecting to third-party services via the REST API, and much, much more.

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  87 Hits

Floating Labels and how to use them in your Joomla website

JCM Joomla Tutorial How to use floating labels

You may have seen them in form fields: labels that seem to float above the field as you're typing. Can you make those in your Joomla website as well? Yes you can! Brian Teeman explains how. 

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  91 Hits

Core URL Shortener: Simplify Your URLs with Apache


Are you looking for a straightforward way to shorten URLs on your website? If you’re running an Apache server, you’re in luck – you already have everything you need. Shortening URLs not only makes them easier to remember and share, but it also provides a cleaner, more professional look. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to set up a simple URL shortener using Apache’s `.htaccess` file.

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  686 Hits

How to solve the Joomla Error 500 - Sorry, there was a problem we could not recover from.


Sorry, there was a problem we could not recover from.

The server returned a "500 - Whoops, looks like something went wrong."

Gee, thanks, Joomla. I can see that. My site isn't working. Want to give me any further information so I can fix the darned thing?

It's all just dreadfully unhelpful. Not only that, but it's a big ugly red screen. It's not even styled like my site any more. What have I done? Have I lost everything? Is all my work gone? Have I been hacked? Perhaps I shouldn't have pressed that button?

And I haven't got a clue how to solve it or what is wrong.

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  939 Hits

New to Joomla? Great tips for newbies!


OK, so you’re about to create your first Joomla website. But where do you start, and what do you do after that? Who can help you? Where do you find good resources? Do you need to install a template? Will you need extensions to add functionality? Getting to know Joomla and all its possibilities can be a bit overwhelming. But we’ve all been there, and we got your back! For this article, Joomlers from all over the world share their golden tips with us to get you going. Dive in, explore, be patient and have fun!

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