Floating Labels and how to use them in your Joomla website

JCM Joomla Tutorial How to use floating labels

You may have seen them in form fields: labels that seem to float above the field as you're typing. Can you make those in your Joomla website as well? Yes you can! Brian Teeman explains how. 

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  96 Hits

EPISODE III: Sparky, Astroid and T4 Frameworks


In this third episode of the series about templates and frameworks for Joomla, Emmanuel Lemor shows us three popular frameworks: Sparky, Astroid and T4.

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Making Joomla Backend Bespoke For Clients


I’ve been unconsciously making customisations for clients in the backend of Joomla for a while. Some of the changes have been subtle. I’ll start with those, using the Atum Administrator Template in Joomla 5. United Colours First off I like to...

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  688 Hits

Joomla 4 – Cassiopeia Template – a bunch of Tips & Tricks


In this article, Marc Dechèvre will present a collection of tips and tricks related to the Joomla 4 default frontend template: Cassiopeia.

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