As a co-founder of Joomla! and OpenSourceMatters Inc I've never been known to be lacking an opinion or being too afraid to express it.

Despite what some people might think I'm a shy and modest man who doesnt like to blow his own trumpet or boast about achievements.

You don't need a badge to polish to contribute to Joomla you just need to roll up your sleeves and do it.

The Pitfalls of Web Fonts: Embracing the Benefits of System Fonts for Web Design


Choosing the right typeface is a critical decision that influences a website's aesthetics, readability, and overall user experience. While web fonts are popular for their versatility and creative possibilities, they come with their fair share of disadvantages. In this post, we'll explore the drawbacks of using web fonts and showcase a new feature in Joomla 5 to make better use of system fonts.

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  1063 Hits

In cyberspace where dangers creep


In cyberspace where dangers creep,
Your secrets kept are not that deep,
Beware the hackers, lurking near,
They'll steal your data, and cause you fear.

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  212 Hits

Template Overrides - Recycle and reuse


Template overrides are, for me, the most powerful feature of Joomla. I use them a lot and they are what makes the difference between a good looking website and a great one. They can be as simple as moving the intro image above the article title to something more complex, including CSS and JavaScript changes, such as creating a photo gallery from a category of articles or creating a set of buttons to filter the content.

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  26449 Hits

If you build it they will come (or: the 90-9-1 principle of user engagement)


If you are a movie buff then you will have recognised the title of this article as a quotation from the Kevin Costner movie, Field of Dreams. But like all great quotations, that everyone knows, it is never said in the movie. The actual line is "If they build it he will come".

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  1142 Hits

Joomla 5 - It really brings your web site alive


Looking back, looking forward

This week I stumbled across a copy of a keynote presentation given by Paul Delbar at JoomlaDagen 2012 all about Joomla 5 (although he was a bit trendy and used the Roman Numeral V).

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  30786 Hits

Google Analytics - What is it good for?


Last week I visited a website and saw something that I hadn’t seen for what seems like over a decade - a counter telling me I was the 3619th visitor to the site.

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  601 Hits

Where is this image from and how can I change it?


When a link to your site is posted on social media you will typically see an image as well as the link. Depending on the social media platform you may also see additional information such as a summary of the content.

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  1373 Hits

A Web Without Barriers


Over the last four years I'be been on a journey to learn more about accessibility and to share that knowledge and experience. I've been fortunate to have had some amazing mentors who have given their time (in exchange for the occasional beer and curry) to nudge me in the right direction and answer my queries. When we help each other and work together we can achieve so much more than when we stay marooned on our own islands.

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  3448 Hits

My First Joomla 4 Website


I don't build many websites. Most of my work is in training and advising people to build their own websites. So when I do need to build a new website I get the opportunity to put my ideas into practice.

Over the last few months I have been working on producing - a free video course to teach people how to build their first Joomla 4 website.

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  8337 Hits

An image is worth a thousand words

An image is worth a thousand words Web Accessibility

How many times have we heard this phrase but is it really true? Most content creators will spend a long time selecting the perfect photo to illustrate their article. The key word is illustrate. The image should be used to enhance the content. Perhaps to set the mood of the article or to illustrate an example in the text such as a product shot.

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  4000 Hits

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