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Joomla! Around the World…

Joomla! Around the World…

As we all know, Joomla is a volunteer project made of up dedicated community members from around the world. It is the diversity and commitment of these members which makes Joomla so powerful, that and of course, the platform and framework behind it! There is a lot going on around the Joomla world…

This month’s inspiration came from a simple, yet brilliant idea. Cory Webb started a blog of sorts, its sole purpose is to let the Joomla community tell their story, one voice at a time. It only took me a few minutes to write my Joomla story. What struck me was, with so many people from so many places, it is interesting to see how similar our stories are! Take a look and add yours! 

For our international readers, check out the shiny, new International Articles button! Spanish, French, German, Italian, Farsi... We would like to include more articles in YOUR language! Go ahead, click through and learn how you can become an author! If you would like to help with proofing or editing (in any language!), please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

OSM is going global! Open Source Matters has added four new board members, Ofer Cohen from Israel, Leonel Canton, from Guatemala, Paulo Griiettner, from Brazil and Thomas Hampton from the USA. The board also includes members from Mongolia, The Netherlands, Germany, Costa Rica, France, and South Africa. That’s 12 board members from 10 countries!

The Joomla Leadership Team will be attending JAB (jandbeyond.org) in Germany this month. Aside from the planned leadership summit to be held before and after JAB, one of the LT’s goals is to promote internationalization and how to better address the world-wide Joomla community. If you will be at JAB, grab a beer and talk to us! We are aiming to initiate more contact between JUGs and events teams from all over the world in order to learn from each other, and to find out what the specific needs are in each region. Your input helps!

Great efforts are currently being made with the RCC (Regional Community Coordinators) in getting an oversight of all the regional communities that exist in the world. Although this work isn’t finished yet, the RCC will soon try to contact as many local community and JUG leaders as possible in order to learn from them, and enable them to share their experiences on how to set up and maintain local communities, translations, events and JUGs. The RCC is in formation now, check the Help Wanted forum later this month if you would like to get involved!

Joomla is always looking for more volunteers! It is the best way to get involved in this incredible community. You will make new friends and contacts, and develop your global network while deepening your knowledge of Joomla. 

Some articles published on the Joomla Community Magazine represent the personal opinion or experience of the Author on the specific topic and might not be aligned to the official position of the Joomla Project



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