10 Common Misconceptions about Joomla!


“A reputation, once unjustifiably lost, serves as a stark reminder of the fragility of perception.”

People tend to crystallize their opinions. Sometimes a man may thrive, but fall short, regardless of his actions. I believe that Joomla has suffered such an injustice and I would like to give my two cents. Over the fifteen years I've almost exclusively worked with it, I've discussed Joomla with hundreds of people, and here are 10 commonly accepted opinions, which I personally find untrue.

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  893 Hits

Joomla is Yours: create user avatars in the Backend Template Atum


Not only the sites you produce with Joomla – but also the Backend where you and your customers develop and maintain the site can and should be yours. With a few hacks, you can make it even more yours.

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  1468 Hits

Less than 5 mins to change the design of the search module


"Joomla is complicated", "Joomla is for tech guys", "Joomla isn't user friendly", etc. are the most common (unfair) critics I read the most about this awesome CMS. 

In fact, Joomla is exactly like any other topic: cooking, astrophysic, woodcraft, scuba diving, etc. It's complicated as long you don't take time to learn and to train about a minimum.

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  370 Hits

The Vice President of Joomla is helping the Police with their enquiries


Here in the UK, the phrase “helping the police with their enquiries" is synonymous with other phrases, such as “Assisting law enforcement with their investigation” and often ends with having “your collar felt.” 

Luckily, I even get paid to help them, which is not the usual turn of events when dealing with the Law, but in my case, it is because I build websites for several different Police groups in the UK.

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  2219 Hits

Keyword or not keyword tag, that is the question


Recently, a friend of mine posted a singular question on a famous social media:

Do you still use the keyword field in articles?

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  368 Hits

Understand and create forms with conditional custom fields


For quite some time now, the utilization of conditional fields in Joomla was primarily a task for developers involved in form creation. However, with the advent of Joomla 4.3, there is now the capability to display custom fields conditionally, enhancing the user experience. We’ll explain how it works first, and after that, we’ll show you how you can use conditional fields in your Joomla content.

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  229 Hits

Scheduled Tasks


Since version 4.1 (and so also in 5.x series) Joomla introduced a very interesting new feature called "Scheduled Tasks".

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  669 Hits

Embracing the Future: Exploring the Features of Joomla 5

Joomla5 Features

The advent of Joomla 5 heralds a new era for web developers and site managers, as it promises a suite of enhancements, optimisations, and fixes that streamline website creation and management. As we delve into the new features and improvements, it's pivotal to appreciate the developmental strides and transformations from Joomla 4 to Joomla 5.

These are more than just code!

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  2351 Hits

Guided Tours, the Comeback Tour


One of the main features of Joomla 4.3 was Guided Tours. When you install or update to Joomla 4.3 and log into the administrator area, you are greeted with the ability to “Take a Tour” in the top menu. This has helped many to learn how to use Joomla and understand the functionality of Joomla, but now Guided Tours has had a makeover. Here, we take a deep dive into all that Guided Tours in Joomla 5 has to offer.

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  2644 Hits

Rich Snippets in Joomla 5


Hey there, Joomla enthusiasts! Have you ever wondered how to enhance your website's search engine visibility and provide a more informative experience for your users? Well, you're in for a treat! In this article, we're diving into the exciting world of Rich Snippets, a fantastic feature in Joomla 5 that will revolutionize the way you handle structured data.

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  2678 Hits

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