By Ruth Cheesley on Monday, 01 September 2014
Category: September

Joomla! on Lanyrd

Organising an event can be quite a difficult process – finding a venue, getting listed on, organising sponsors and more. The Joomla! project has made one step that little bit easier  finding and inviting speakers from within the Joomla Leadership Teams to attend your events  with their new Lanyrd Team.

Lanyrd is a popular wiki-style conference directory which many organisers of events from small local meetups to large international conferences use to showcase their events to a worldwide audience. It gives organisers the ability to find speakers both by putting out a call for speakers, and by searching for speakers by the topics they speak on, region, languages, etc. It also allows individuals to find events they might be interested in through a simple tagging system.

Joomla! has recently established an organisation page on Lanyrd which showcases events that Leadership Team and Open Source Matters board members members have spoken at in the past and will be attending in the future, alongside the ability to search for a speaker and view events that Joomla are sponsoring.

Organisation pages on Lanyrd also show on events where a Leadership Team member is speaking – a small lozenge at the bottom of the page will display under the 'Teams' section, allowing you to quickly see which teams are represented at the event.

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