By Cliff Pfeifer on Monday, 01 February 2016
Category: February

Get Involved With Joomla!

Anyone can contribute to Joomla and have a say in it’s future - including you! Joomla is 100% volunteer based and countless volunteers over the past ten years have made it what it is today. We are the future of Joomla and every person makes a difference. Our community is diverse and there are so many ways to contribute it can seem complicated. These tips will help you get involved with the Joomla community.

Why Get Involved?

Joomla is open source and it is freely available for our use, it's one of the reasons we love Joomla. It takes volunteers and contributions to keep it this way. We’ve all used Joomla for our own purposes and gotten something out of it, and the spirit of open source software is giving back. Our contributions keep Joomla alive. Our volunteer efforts help it grow and become better for everyone. The future of Joomla depends on community contributions.

You Can Change The World!

Really, you can! We all have ideas for how Joomla could be better, and most likely there are thousands of other people thinking the exact same thing you are. Maybe you’ve come across these people on forums or social media while searching for an answer. There is no shortage of online discussions about things that could be better or people expressing frustrations with an issue. You could add to that conversation or you could be the person that solves that problem for everyone.

By solving a problem for ourselves, we’re also solving that problem for everyone else in our community all around the world.

Where Do We Start?

We can contribute in many ways regardless of our background or experience. Updating a piece of documentation can save others time. Making an adjustment to an interface can make something easier. A tutorial can help others learn. A magazine article can inspire. A community meeting can build relationships and friendships. Anything you can think of will help and nothing is too small.

We all use Joomla for different reasons and we all have different ideas about how to make it better. Our different perspectives are valuable in different areas of the community and we are most passionate about solving problems that are meaningful to us. Passion fuels our community and there are plenty of places we can help out. Find the places that suit you the most and do everything you can.

Become A Joomler and Tune Into Joomla Channels:

Find Your Own Ways to Help:

The point of making these lists is to find things YOU can make better. Sharing problems you discover can be helpful, but finding ways to solve them is more helpful.

All of our challenges are actually opportunities to contribute. Be part of the solution!

How Do I Start?

We’re always searching for ways to make the volunteer process easier, but getting involved is a process. The exact process will be different in certain working groups or teams, and you may need to search around to find your place. Here are some tips to help guide you through the process:

Every Volunteer Makes a Difference

As individuals we have the power to make Joomla better. All we have to do is volunteer some of our time - whenever we can, however we can. Every contribution matters and you can make a difference.

The first step is making the choice to be involved!
Visit the Volunteer Portal and find something you can help with.

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