By Dianne Henning on Saturday, 01 December 2012
Category: December

The X Factor and Women in Joomla!

Conference attendance statistics showed that we had 23% women at the first Joomla World Conference. We need to raise that number, not only for the next JWC, but for all of our events! 

In this day and age, women in tech is not a given – it should be a given, but it isn't... the numbers just aren't there.

Women need to have a more vocal and prominent place on the tech stage. Given that we have the edge in the overall population by a few percentage points, how is it that we are a minority in the tech field?

Here are a few questions to the community:

Please comment and let us know how we can help open the playing field and be more inclusive of women. Your honesty is appreciated.

Let's be vocal and move Joomla into the forefront of real equality.

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