By Daniel Dubois on Wednesday, 20 March 2024
Category: March

Less than 10 mins to change the design of the login module

"Joomla is complicated", "Joomla is for tech guys", "Joomla isn't user friendly". These are just a few of the most common (unfair) critics - or rather: assumptions - I've read about this awesome CMS.

In fact, Joomla is exactly like any other CMS or topic: cooking, astrophysic, woodcraft, scuba diving, etc. It's complicated if you don't take time to learn and to train about a minimum.

But like with all other skills: if you take few minutes to dive into Joomla, you'll definitly learn something new, something useful, and you will probably also change your mind.

And because I'm sure I'm right, I bet you'll learn to completely change the design of the Joomla login module in less than 10 minutes. Yes, less than 10 minutes!

Who is this tutorial for?

This tutorial is primarily for Joomla beginner users, because newcomers need easy examples to learn, to understand, and to progress (so yes, advanced user: the explanations will be basic for you, but I think it's worth reading it anyway).

The purpose of this article is to demonstrate that everybody can learn and improve their Joomla skills very easily. You only need willingness, and 10 minutes!

What are you going to do with this tutorial?

In this tutorial, you'll learn to change the frontend display of the default Joomla login module.

And no need to take a deep breath, no need to have a computer PhD and no need to worry, you won't break anything.

By default, the Joomla login module is efficient technically and delivered with a basic design. Thanks to this tutorial, your login module will look like that:


What do you need to follow this tutorial?

In this tutorial, I've disabled the plugins System - Remember Me and System - Passkey (Passwordless) Login only for display reasons.

Ready? Let's override the login module!

1. - Open your Joomla admin panel

1.1 - Follow: System > Templates > Site Templates

1.2 - Click on your template's name to access to its files

1.3 - Click on the "Create Overrides" tab to open it

1.4 - Click on "mod_login" in the module list to create the override


2. Edit the code of the override

2.1 - Click on: HTML > mod_login > default.php


2.2 - In the text editor on the right of your screen, locate line 31 and add:

class="fw-bold fs-4"

to the <p> tag.


2.2 - Locate line 35 and replace:

<div class="mod-login__userdata userdata">


<div class="mod-login__userdata userdata pb-2">


2.3 - Locate line 108 and replace:





2.4 - After line 133, add a <br /> to display an horizontal line.

2.5 - After line 138, insert the following code:

<div class="mod-login__submit form-group">
<a class="btn btn-outline-dark w-100" href="<?php echo Route::_($registerLink); ?>">
<?php echo Text::_('MOD_LOGIN_REGISTER'); ?> </a>


2.6 - Select and remove lines 122 to 127


Now, your code from line 134 to 142 should look like this:

<hr />	
<div class="mod-login__posttext posttext pt-3">
    <p class="fw-bold fs-4"><?php echo $params->get('posttext'); ?></p>
<div class="mod-login__submit form-group">
    <a class="btn btn-outline-dark w-100" href="<?php echo Route::_($registerLink); ?>">
    <?php echo Text::_('MOD_LOGIN_REGISTER'); ?> </a>
<?php endif; ?>

2.7 - Click on the "Save and close" button if it's correct.

3. Let's apply our new design

3.1 - From your admin panel, click on "Modules"

3.2 - Locate and open your login module (created by default with Joomla)


3.3 - Enter the pre-text Welcome back and the post-text I'm new here (or whatever you prefer).

3.4 - Select your override in the module layout options in the "advanced" tab.


3.5 - Click on the "Save and close" button once you've done.

5. Take a look at your frontend

Yeah, the design of your login module is nice, clean and as expected!

Congrats, you did it and in less than 10 minutes, as promised!

Best practices to create overrides like a Boss


As promised, it wasn't very complicated but the most important point is you've learnt new skills about Joomla and you can be proud of yourself!

There are tons of login forms designs available on Internet. Find the one you love and following this example, create your own override.

If you like this kind of tutorials, let me know in the comments what Joomla core module you would like me to take as example next month!

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