Search the Joomla! Community Magazine
Assuming getting is required, and extensions is required, and ready is required, the following 179 results were found.
The Joomla! Extensions Directory (JED) lists nearly 8000 extensions - finding the best one for your website can sometimes be a tedious task. We have all selected an extension that hasn't been quite right for our needs. This article will cover tools...
- Type: EasyBlog Entry
- Author: Jaz Parkyn
- Category: September
- Language: en-GB
we will have a PWT ACL version for Joomla 4 soon as a start. What do you consider the biggest challenge in getting extensions ready? Speaking for ourselves, development isn't a challenge. We have a great team of experienced Joomla frontend and backend...
- Type: EasyBlog Entry
- Author: Anja de Crom
- Category: May
- Language: en-GB
With Joomla 4 on the horizon, extension developers are working hard to get their extensions compatible with this new major release. Nobody wants to be the developer of an extension that breaks their clients’ websites. So they are all removing outdated...
- Type: EasyBlog Entry
- Author: Anja de Crom
- Category: March
- Language: en-GB
Shipping with Joomla 4 is the new and improved CLI (Command-Line Interface) that sits at the Joomla core. You can now carry out maintenance tasks without even logging into your website. Let's find out how. ‘One Joomla for all’, that’s a bold statement....
- Type: EasyBlog Entry
- Author: Brendan Hedges
- Category: June
- Language: en-GB
Joomla 4 is just around the corner. With the RC4 version released, the stable version is approaching, and the JCM is still asking extension developers what's going to happen with their extension(s). This time, we talk to Yannick Gaultier, the developer...
- Type: EasyBlog Entry
- Author: Andrea Gentil
- Category: July
- Language: en-GB
Joomla 3.10 Status & Release Strategy (November 2020) Interview with Tobias Zulauf, 3.10 Release Lead (May 2020) "Getting Extensions Ready for Joomla 4" Interview series with extension developers All Joomla 4 articles at Joomla Community Magazine Joomla...
- Type: EasyBlog Entry
- Author: Patrick Jackson
- Category: August
- Language: en-GB
Yannick Gaultier isn't an SEO consultant, but it's an area he loves and he's one of the most knowledgeable people in the Joomla world. His career path reflects this passion for the field, and for Joomla of course. As well as promoting his tools,...
- Type: EasyBlog Entry
- Author: Serge Billon
- Category: August 2024
- Language: en-GB
As many of you have heard, PHP 7 became End of Life last month, on November 28th. You probably also heard that this is terrible news for the security of your site and / or that upgrading your site to PHP 8 is a dreary task. While neither affirmation is...
- Type: EasyBlog Entry
- Author: Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos
- Category: December
- Language: en-GB
One of Joomla! Key strength lies in its extensibility through the use of Joomla extensions. If you have a passion for web development and want to contribute to the Joomla community, becoming a Joomla Extension developer can be a rewarding path to...
- Type: EasyBlog Entry
- Author: Carlos Cámara
- Category: May
- Language: en-GB
While the development of the new major version of Joomla, the 2nd most used CMS worldwide, is in progress, the Joomla Community Magazine is continuing interviewing Joomla extensions developers to understand their own path towards Joomla 4. This month...
- Type: EasyBlog Entry
- Author: Luca Marzo
- Category: August
- Language: en-GB
With the stable version of Joomla 4 getting closer, the Joomla Community Magazine is interviewing Joomla extensions developers to find out what path they are following towards Joomla 4. This month we had the chance to interview Oliver Buisard from...
- Type: EasyBlog Entry
- Author: Anja de Crom
- Category: February
- Language: en-GB
For some months now, we have been approaching extension developers to ask them how they are working towards Joomla 4. This time we talked to Tomasz Kowalski, from DJ-Extensions, whose primary focus is on the customers and making the next version...
- Type: EasyBlog Entry
- Author: Andrea Gentil
- Category: May
- Language: en-GB
beta release, extension developers should begin thinking about it. What do you consider the biggest challenge in getting extensions ready? There are many backward compatibility breaks in Joomla 4, so developers must assess their extensions and the...
- Type: EasyBlog Entry
- Author: Anja de Crom
- Category: May
- Language: en-GB
The release of Joomla 4 Beta is getting closer. Reaching this milestone is a crucial moment in the development roadmap of a product, and it means that the stable version is almost there. However, there is still plenty of work to do. One key feature of...
- Type: EasyBlog Entry
- Author: Andrea Gentil
- Category: May
- Language: en-GB
After our previous series last year about how extension developers are getting their extensions ready for Joomla 4, we now have contacted a few developers in how in hindsight this transition went and if they came across challenges. Tell us a little...
- Type: EasyBlog Entry
- Author: Hans van der Meer
- Category: November
- Language: en-GB
Nine months ago, I created my first Extension for Joomla!. Now, I’ve made seven simple Extensions with the help of ChatGPT. In this article, I’ll share what I learned through this process in the form of tips so that you can easily create your own...
- Type: EasyBlog Entry
- Author: Ioannis Fytros
- Category: October 2024
- Language: en-GB
Joomla 4 Beta 2 was released at the end of June, taking a further step towards the stable version. It also means that Joomla users are starting to test Joomla 4 and wonder what the migration from Joomla 3 will be like and what will happen to the...
- Type: EasyBlog Entry
- Author: Andrea Gentil
- Category: July
- Language: en-GB
Tassos Marinos who guaranteed us his extensions are 100% compatible already. Thanks for joining us in the “Getting Extensions ready”-series, Tassos! Could you tell us a little about your extensions? My journey in the Joomla world started in 2014 when I...
- Type: EasyBlog Entry
- Author: Anja de Crom
- Category: April
- Language: en-GB
Automated tests are not a special tool for software developers in large projects. Especially for extensions, automated tests are a help to quickly identify problems. They help to ensure that extensions work smoothly in newer Joomla versions. The Joomla...
- Type: EasyBlog Entry
- Author: astrid
- Category: June
- Language: en-GB
During Joomla!Day West 2010 Pearson Publishing announced the release of Joomla! Press. The mission of Joomla! Press is to enhance the Joomla! experience by providing useful, well-written, and engaging publications for all segments of the Joomla!...
- Type: EasyBlog Entry
- Author: JCM Team
- Category: November
- Language: en-GB
A fresh new site needs to be built and you’re faced with a decision. To build this site with the current Joomla! Long Term Support (LTS) release or the latest Joomla! Short Term Support (STS) release? The answer is, of course, it depends. Your...
- Type: EasyBlog Entry
- Author: Duke Speer
- Category: February
- Language: en-GB
over the years. Today, he told us how he is working on updating his extensions. Thanks for joining us in the “Getting Extensions ready” series, Roland! Could you tell us a little about your extensions? The RO CSVI extension has been around since the...
- Type: EasyBlog Entry
- Author: Andrea Gentil
- Category: April
- Language: en-GB
*On August 9, the name for the January 2012 Joomla release changed from Joomla 1.8 to 2.5. Joomla's release schedule has been described in its development strategy, and much analysis has been put forth as to whether one should upgrade websites or not...
- Type: EasyBlog Entry
- Author: Jen Kramer
- Category: August
- Language: en-GB
As you may have noticed (and who wouldn’t): Joomla 4 Release Candidate is out! Extension developers have been working hard on making their extensions compatible. This month Nicolas Claverie talks with us about getting their Joomla e-commerce solutions...
- Type: EasyBlog Entry
- Author: Anja de Crom
- Category: June
- Language: en-GB
Joomla 4 stable is coming closer every day! If you have been around since Joomla 2.5, or even 1.5 or 1.0, you may remember upgrading as a difficult process, mainly caused by extensions not being ready for the new major version. With Joomla 4 on the...
- Type: EasyBlog Entry
- Author: Anja de Crom
- Category: July
- Language: en-GB