Website Case Study: Big League Dreams

Website Case Study: Big League Dreams

When a company that builds and runs sports complexes needed a new website to power its corporate presence that would integrate "micro sites" for its several locations with many features, Joomla! and its development community offered solutions which required minimal custom programming from its web development and creative agency.

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  40434 Hits

Joomla! Day DC

Joomla! Day DC

Joomla! Day DC will be held on 16 October 2010 just one block outside the United States' capital city of Washington, DC. The event is being sponsored by the Northern Virginia Joomla! Users Group. We caught up with its President, Bruce Scherzinger, to learn about their plans.

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  41609 Hits

Community Leadership Team: Volunteer Profile-Jérôme Bussière

The Joomla! Community Leadership Team has the responsibility to manage the Joomla! forums, the Community website, the JCM, the Joomla! Resources Directory, the Joomla! Extensions Directory, Joomla! Events, and Joomla! User Groups. For this issue’s article from the Community Leadership Team, we want to recognize Jérôme Bussière and his significant volunteer contributions.

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  91500 Hits

Browse by Language

Browse by Language

Our Joomla! community spans the globe. The sun never sets on Joomla!, or on the people who create, develop and think up new ideas, every day, in dozens of different languages.

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  24473 Hits

JoomArt Team Funds Thiep Nhan Ai Project

  14635 Hits

e-Commerce for Joomla! Part One

e-Commerce for Joomla! Part One

As Joomla! has skyrocketed in popularity, Extensions available have multiplied exponentially. eCommerce Extensions, in particular, have seen phenomenal growth and maturation. Those of us who build Joomla! eCommerce sites have watched this growth with great interest and are pleased with the variety of choices now available for the Joomla! the powerful platform.

For many years now, when community members think of eCommerce for Joomla!, VirtueMart springs to mind. Next, consideration often goes to bridging a Joomla! website to another open source solution. This past year, however, two other major players have emerged in the eCommerce space, that being Tienda from Dioscouri Design and redShop from redComponent.

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  112703 Hits

Team EaSE Article: eCommerce - Will they pay...

Team EaSE Article: eCommerce - Will they pay...

With the abundance of e-commerce solutions for Joomla! it is very easy building a great looking on-line store, showcasing your products and effectively convincing your potential customers to add them to the cart. Beautiful images, obvious calls for action, unique selling points and a smooth online shopping experience are easy to setup and help you “seal the deal” with the customer. However, this is only half the story. One of the most overlooked business decisions when building any kind of e-commerce site is the payment method. It’s what affects the very last step of the online shopping experience and the single most frequent reason to lose a sale.

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  61003 Hits

How can you charge that? Joomla! is free, right?

How can you charge that? Joomla! is free, right?

“I looked up that Joomla! CMS that you said you were using for my project. I saw that I can download it for free. How can you charge me $XXXX? Joomla! is free, right? I just want you to install Joomla! and make it look good for me.”

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  70344 Hits

Only a Ninja can kill another Ninja

Only a Ninja can kill another Ninja

If you were to provide a short list of the threats against your site, which one would be the number one threat? For me, it's script kiddies. Those pesky individuals who don't have a programming bone inside them, but still can cause a great deal of harm to our sites by using pre-packaged attacks against them. Their success rate is amazingly high, mostly due to our fault. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate some trivial techniques to add a degree of stealth on your site so that script kiddies can't launch their attacks and even if they do, they will most likely be fended off successfully. Just like a ninja, you'll learn how to have your site lurk in plain sight without being spotted by those pesky attackers.

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  186891 Hits

Blackbelt Forum Design with Ninjaboard

Blackbelt Forum Design with Ninjaboard

This month we interview Stian Didriksen, lead developer of Ninjaboard, the latest Joomla! forum component from Ninjaforge. Ninjaboard is of particular interest here in the Designer's Studio as it has been constructed with design and Joomla! templates in mind.

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  62954 Hits

Pretty in Pink

Pretty in Pink

When this issue is launched, I will be "hard at work" at the JoomlaDay West conference in San Jose, California. Since the JCM team is full of bright, hard working, and self starting volunteers, I had no reservations about being gone during the typically hectic days leading up to and following the launch of a new issue.

Well, maybe not 'no' reservations...

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  42325 Hits

7 Simple Tips For Using Your Joomla! Site

7 Simple Tips For Using Your Joomla! Site

There are many webmasters who need assistance with their Joomla! site. Most problems webmasters have to deal with will be avoided by following these 7 simple guidelines for using a Joomla! site:

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  61569 Hits

Jane Beyond & friends

Jane Beyond & friends

Illustration by:  YeprJane Beyond

  40817 Hits

Interview with Michael Babker – On Cloud Nine!

Interview with Michael Babker – On Cloud Nine!

As he serves his country, Michael Babker finds time to serve the Joomla! project. In January 2010 he downloaded his first copy of 1.5, and hasn't looked back. He jumped into the forums and started tracking bugs. His contribution to 1.6 code is significant, and his fellow devs highly value his team work. On September 21st, the Joomla! community got a chance to show their appreciation...

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  37568 Hits

Joomla! in the Press/Media - October 2010

Joomla! in the Press/Media - October 2010

Welcome to Joomla! in the Press/Media. You will find links and short descriptions of where you can read recent articles about Joomla! in the Press and Media.

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  15239 Hits

Joomla! Day Denmark 2010

Joomla! Day Denmark 2010

One of many Joomla! Days around the globe in the coming weeks is Joomla! Day Denmark — a small Scandinavian country of 5.5 mil. citizens, but it has the most CMSs per capita. Since the mid '90s every web company developed their own inhouse CMS. But the state of the economy is in the favor of Joomla! and more and more webdevelopers and companies are realizing the benefits of deploying Joomla! because they can cut down on development time — and save money, get their websites up faster — and make money.

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  39246 Hits

Production Leadership Team: Volunteer Profile - Mandville

The Production Leadership Team manages all areas of Joomla! development, including documentation, design, coding, and development cycle. In addition, the Production Leadership Team manages all areas of the Joomla! project which relate to the production of the Joomla! CMS software and its documentation. For this issue’s article from the Production Leadership Team, we want to recognize mandville (forum username) and her significant volunteer contributions in multiple areas of the Joomla! project.

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  36237 Hits

Customizing Joomla!'s Error Page

Customizing Joomla!'s Error Page

In pursuit of the optimal user experience, I usually want to control each aspect of a view. And as there is much more to a good site than a nice colour palette or a funky header image, my interference with an extension’s existing layout goes beyond the scope of CSS alterations. I like to meddle with my site’s views by customizing any output that is generated and that includes Joomla!’s error page.

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  112191 Hits

The Joomla! Setup

The Joomla! Setup

The Joomla! Setup is a series of interviews with developers in the Joomla! community, talking about the tools they use to get the job done, inspired by the setup. Can you tell who it is?

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  44843 Hits

Our Joomla! Story

Our Joomla! Story

On the 1st of September five years ago Joomla! was unveiled to the world for the first time. It is time now for world wide celebrations in the Joomla! community, one of the most diverse communities in the Open Source world. With the least entry barriers, here anyone can take leadership and make change happen. It is a marvelous community of users, developers, designers, documentation creators, bug reporters and fixers, evangelists and every single person in-between who has touched and been touched by this software.

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  45496 Hits

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