Don't like how translations are handled in Joomla\DateTime? Maybe you want to change some functionality for date calculations? Ok, that's not a problem. Let's customize your DateTime objects.
Every now and then the Joomla project organizes a Code Sprint. The purpose of a sprint is to improve a specific area of the Joomla ecosystem, this can be the code, documentation or something else. During a sprint a group of people with expertise in this specific area are brought together in one place. Not online but offline, real life meetings. Nothing beats a face-to-face meeting if you want to make things happen.
Il est facile de nos jours d’utiliser des types de contenus personnalisés. Après tout, Joomla 3.x a fondamentalement plus d’avance sur d’autres CCK que ces derniers semblent totalement inutiles. Malgré ces améliorations, les clients souhaitent toujours une utilisation de plus en plus adaptée. De la structure initiale à la mise en forme finale, un type de contenu personnalisé donnera une plateforme de publication simplifiée à vos clients.
It is very common to have issues like browser does not serves the latest javascript or stylesheet content, it serves the content from its cache which obviously does not contains the recent changes. The first solution which comes in our mind is to clean the browser cache and all sorted... right?. But you can not apply the same solution at your users’ end.
We’re used to seeing all Joomla community members attending only Joomla events. Nowadays that’s changing. David Hurley and Michael Babker are representing Joomla at a global event, the PHP World Conference mid-November. They will not only represent Joomla, but will also try to attract new members to the community. That’s worthy of an interview.
Vous venez de découvrir Joomla!, vous avez envie de le tester ou de le faire tester à vos clients, amis, voisins, grands-mères, ou, tout simplement pour vous, mais vous ne voulez pas vous embêter à installer un serveur complet sur votre ordinateur. Alors, le site de démonstration de Joomla! est fait pour vous !
Just a few weeks ago, our OSM president, Sarah Watz and Community Leader, Ruth Cheesley, came back from one incredible experience, the Grace Hopper Conference. The Joomla! booth was approached by many students and young women interested in learning more about our Community and Project. But what does it really mean for our brand to get involved in such a big conference? What is the real take-away for our Community?
Es fascinante como se puede cambiar la vista (y en parte la función) de los componentes y módulos de Joomla! con trucos simples. En este artículo quiero presentar algunas de esas ideas, en parte salidas de lo qué escuché en el JoomlaDay! Alemania.
Lorsque vous prenez place dans un café ou dans un emplacement ou le wifi public est disponible, que vous vous connectez à vos sites favoris, et commencez à surfer sur le web, vous pourriez aussi bien distribuer des cartes de visite avec vos identifiants et mots de passe à toutes les personnes se trouvant autour de vous. Cela vient du fait que les sites n'ont pas d'encodage HTTPS et ne proposent pas de protection pour les utilisateurs finaux. Au lieu de ça, ils vous laissent vulnérable et exposé. Est-ce ce que vous souhaitez faire avec les visiteurs de votre propre site ?
Nous avons l'habitude de voir les membres de la Communauté Joomla! aux seuls évènements Joomla. Cela est en train de changer. En effet, David Hurley et Michael Babker vont représenter Joomla! à un évènement international qui se déroulera mi-novembre : la Conférence Mondiale PHP. Ils ne se contenteront pas de représenter Joomla! mais tenteront également d'attirer de nouveaux membres au sein de la Communauté. Cela vaut bien une entrevue.
Estamos acostumados a ver todos os membros da comunidade Joomla! indo apenas a eventos Joomla. Isso está mudando. David Hurley e Michael Babker estarão representando Joomla em um evento global, a Conferência Mundial PHP que acontecerá em meados de novembro. Eles não só estarão representando o Joomla, como também vão buscar atrair novos membros para a comunidade. Isso vale uma entrevista.
For the Polish Joomla community, last year was a revolution! From December 2013 to June 2014 our community organized six new Joomla User Group meetings. I want to share our model of creating awesome JUG meetings so that it can help others, and for them to see how to do JUG meetings for free (without any cost).
It’s the beginning of November and hundreds of people from the global Joomla community are preparing to travel to Cancun, Mexico, for the 3rd annual Joomla World Conference. I’m excited about it. Here’s why…
Listening to Tessa's keynote on Volunteering at JoomlaDay Israel a thought struck me. If volunteering is so great, and I think it is and I have done it all my life, then why doesn't everyone do it and why don't those of us that do volunteer do it more. I have travelled the world and met so many people with amazing passion and skills for Joomla and yet I never see them contributing. Why is that? Is the problem with us? Is this a problem we can and should be solving? There are so many different ways that people can volunteer to help the Joomla project, so what is stopping some people from giving their time?
There are many Joomla events to wrap-up 2014 including one of the year’s largest events, the Joomla! World Conference. Joomla! User Group (JUG) meetings and JoomlaDays are intended for everyone from casual users to core developers. The third annual Joomla! World Conference, also intended for all types of Joomla users, will be held November 7-9 in Cancun, Mexico. Visit the Joomla! Events site to browse all events, submit an event or learn how to organize an event.
Many Joomla sites were impacted by the recent Penguin 3.0 update that Google put out a few weeks ago. In this article you will find tips and tricks to help your site recover as well as steps to prepare your website in the future.
Depuis 3 ans, une cellule de volontaires francophones se regroupe pour participer ensemble activement à chaque session PBF. C'est toujours avec une grande joie que des participants rejoignent la session francophone gérée par l'AFUJ (Association Francophone des Utilisateurs de Joomla!) et se retrouvent dans de nombreuses villes, tout en communiquant par Chat en ligne tout au long de cette journée.
Please don't gamble with your Joomla web-site security and never, I mean never, ever, ever, ever use dictionary words for Joomla Super User passwords! Always remember that the internet is full of malicious robots, most often set up by bad people to scan and harvest Joomla and Wordpress administrator passwords and they can do it faster than you can say "Brian Teeman" or "Nick Robertson".
Le tout NOUVEAU répertoire des ressources Joomla! est désormais disponible sur, avec comme objectif de permettre aux utilisateurs Joomla! de "se connecter entre eux et d'en faire toujours plus". Après plusieurs années de délibération, améliorations des fonctionnalités et développement, l'équipe du Répertoire des Ressources Joomla! (JRD pour Joomla! Resources Directory) est fière de présenter à la communauté son fabuleux répertoire de ressources.
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