
Joomladay France 2014 et l'atelier découvrir Joomla

Joomladay France 2014 et l'atelier découvrir Joomla

Depuis plusieurs années, lors des Joomladay France, un atelier spécial sur la découverte et la prise en main de Joomla rencontre un franc succès, accueillant des utilisateurs très "grands débutants".
Ayant animé plusieurs d’entre eux, je vous livre mes anecdotes, ses origines, mais aussi ce qui fait, je pense, la force de notre communauté.

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  13484 Hits

SQL Optimization Project for Joomla CMS

SQL Optimization Project for Joomla CMS

Joomla CMS being one of the top Content Management Systems in the world, we need to consider more about improving the speed of Joomla CMS. The major focus of my GSoC project is to ensure that the overheads in database interactions are reduced and improving the speed of Joomla CMS.

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  40616 Hits

Project: JIssues Tracker

Project: JIssues Tracker

Hey guys, what’s up? I am Zehan Zhao, and my GSoC Project JIssues Tracker has been accepted for Joomla GSoC 2014! I’m really looking forward to having a great summer with everyone from the Joomla Community!

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  14571 Hits

Joomla! 3.3, Joomla! 3.4 et la nouvelle feuille de route Joomla!

Joomla! 3.3, Joomla! 3.4 et la nouvelle feuille de route Joomla!

Le mois d'avril a été très riche pour Joomla!, avec trois évènements importants. Le 5 avril, la PLT (Production Leadership Team) a annoncé qu'une version 3.4 verrait le jour dans le courant du mois de juillet 2014 (normalement le 15 juillet). Au travers de ce communiqué, la PLT a également annoncé la modification de la feuille de route de sortie des versions. Et enfin, fin avril, la version 3.3 stable de Joomla! a été mise à disposition apportant plusieurs nouvelles fonctionnalités. Après toutes ces annonces, où en sommes-nous ?

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  20872 Hits

Web Driver System Test of Joomla! CMS

Web Driver System Test of Joomla! CMS

Automated system tests allow the developer to test the CMS by automatically running Joomla! from a browser, selecting menu options, and evaluating results.

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  21602 Hits

GSoC 2014: Managing Date and Time

GSoC 2014: Managing Date and Time

Managing date and time is not simple and many of us developers don't like to do it. Unfortunately, we need this in almost any application. To be honest, I can't imagine an application that does not use date or time at some point. My goal is to make it more simple and more intuitive. The result would be writing less code by developers. What am I going to do? I'm going to create a brand new Date class.

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  11732 Hits

Channels, Chunks, and the Death of the "Web Page"

Channels, Chunks, and the Death of the "Web Page"

What are some of the thought-leaders in content strategy saying this year? If they are right, what might this imply for Joomla?

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  19030 Hits

Joomla Google Summer of Code 2014

Come ormai accade già da qualche anno, otto per la precisione, anche per il 2014 Joomla è stata scelta per partecipare al "Google Summer of Code" (GSOC) come "Mentor organization". Tra le tante proposte ricevute dagli studenti universitari, sono state selezionate le migliori otto.

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  12623 Hits

Welcome Sarah Watz, New OSM President

Welcome Sarah Watz, New OSM President

On April 8, Open Source Matters, Inc. elected its new president, Sarah Watz. Sarah had served on the board for two years, leading the Certification program effort before taking on this new role.

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  15353 Hits

Migration SEO Tips Series - Part 2 - Monitoring Your Migrated Site's Health

Migration SEO Tips Series - Part 2 - Monitoring Your Migrated Site's Health

So, if you followed my tips in Part 1 of this series, you’ve hopefully carefully planned out your migration strategy, identified all the links you need to migrate, created your redirects, and at some point, you’re ready to push the button and migrate your site. Before you do this, and for a period of time after the new site launches, you’ll need to make sure you monitor your website traffic in case you missed anything, or ended up with problems such as redirect loops or drops in conversion rate. This article will focus on how you can ensure you are monitoring your website appropriately using Joomla and other tools so that you quickly pick up on developing problems in the few weeks and months following a migration.

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  21118 Hits

Roundup from JUG Corner - April 2014

With 168 user groups around the world, there is always something exciting and interesting happening in the Joomla! Community! This is a monthly round-up highlighting new Joomla! User Groups, events, and reviews of JUG meetings. If you have anything you would like me to feature from your Joomla User Group please send me an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You must be writing from a registered Joomla! User Group (i.e. listed at

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  12276 Hits

Celebrate the First Year of the Spanish JCM!

Celebrate the First Year of the Spanish JCM!

One year ago today the Spanish Joomla Community Magazine launched its first issue. Twelve issues and 225 articles later, it is still going strong. Join us in celebrating this first birthday milestone!

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  14828 Hits

Leadership Highlights May 2014

Leadership Highlights May 2014

May is the month when we see our seeds planted in earlier days come to flower. It looks like this is not only happening in nature, but also in our project. A shiny new version just released, a shiny new board of Open Source Matters, eager to turn the page to a new exciting chapter for the Joomla! project.

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  14060 Hits

J and Beyond 2014

J and Beyond 2014
If you have never attended JAB, you are missing out on a great opportunity to meet and get to know the Joomla community of developers, programmers and designers. This year JAB will be held from May 30 - June 1 in Königstein, Germany. And, they have a new concept...
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  13681 Hits

JFBConnect : Faites-en plus avec les Réseaux Sociaux

JFBConnect : Faites-en plus avec les Réseaux Sociaux

Les Médias Sociaux sont très à la mode… ou tout du moins c'est ce que les gens disent. Alors, jetons un oeil à JFBConnect et examinons si cette extension tient ses promesses d'intégration des réseaux sociaux dans Joomla! sans utiliser un trop grand nombre d'API.

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  16099 Hits

Joomla! World Conference - 2014

Joomla! World Conference - 2014

Prévoyez vos crèmes solaires et autres sombreros ! La troisième édition du Joomla! World Conference (la Conférence Mondiale de Joomla!) se tiendra du 7 au 9 novembre au sein du complexe "Grand Oasis" à Cancun, Mexique !

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  10644 Hits

Pratique du développement (épisode 3) : projet et IDE

Pratique du développement (épisode 3) : projet et IDE

Troisième d’une série d’articles sur le développement pratique : les avantages de travailler votre projet avec un environnement de développement intégré (IDE) comme PHP Storm. Consultez l’introduction du mois de mars pour savoir à quoi s’attendre.

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  12323 Hits

Série : Astuces SEO pour migration - Partie 1 - Planifier une Stratégie de Migration de Liens

Série : Astuces SEO pour migration - Partie 1 - Planifier une Stratégie de Migration de Liens

Nous l'avons tous fait - travailler durant plusieurs mois sur une migration, ajouter toutes les touches de finitions, charger le tout sur notre serveur et fermer les yeux (et probablement croiser les doigts) lorsque nous avons ouvert notre nouveau site web au monde entier. Je suppose que beaucoup d’entre nous ont également fait cela sans penser aux changements que nous avons provoqués lors de tout le processus et particulièrement sans penser aux impacts que cela aurait sur notre positionnement sur les moteurs de recherche. J’espère que cette série d’articles vous donnera quelques "bonnes astuces" sur les choses que vous devez faire avant, pendant et après votre migration pour maintenir votre optimisation SEO durement gagnée et éviter ainsi les pénalités des moteurs de recherche.

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  22503 Hits

Why Every Joomla Sitebuilder Should Learn Plugin Development

Why Every Joomla Sitebuilder Should Learn Plugin Development

Sitebuilders, you know the scenario; a new client has no idea about Joomla and what it does. They want a new web site or web app and they don’t care what CMS you use and they need it do something very specific, something bespoke.

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  22105 Hits

Wordpress to Joomla (WP2J) Documentation - Help Wanted!

Wordpress to Joomla (WP2J) Documentation - Help Wanted!

Have you ever tried another CMS? How did that go? It can be quite difficult to understand the workflow of new software. In the Joomla! forum many questions are asked by other CMS users who have some difficulty in understanding Joomla’s workflow or migrating their other CMS to Joomla.

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  19767 Hits

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