A tag line that sticks

A tag line that sticks

I have recently taken over as the team lead of the Capitals Committee, which is the part of the organisation in charge of handling our income from sponsorships and advertising. One of my first tasks is to get some stickers designed for use at tradeshows. The thing about stickers is that they are small and are not very good promotional material unless people actually stick them on something (ideally their laptop, car, office wall, bags or similar visible area).

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New Board of Directors and GSoC 2017

New Board of Directors and GSoC 2017

March brings great and exciting news for the Joomla Community! The ballots are closed and we have the new Board of Directors. Also, we got the news that Joomla! has been selected for Google Summer of Code 2017!

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JoomlaDay Florida 2017 Recap

JoomlaDay Florida 2017 Recap

JoomlaDay's are an excellent way to unite our community on a local level and this year's JoomlaDay Florida went far beyond Florida.  Joomlers from across the United States, South American, Canada, Europe, and Jamaica took part in the two-day Joomla showcase. 

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Джумляне: Денис Двали

Джумляне: Денис Двали

В этом выпуске журнал "Joomla Community Magazine" беседует с Денисом Двали, русским разработчиком из Архангельска, основателем Joomduck.com и создателем расширений системы Joomla! "JomSocial Profile Pro", "Community Builder Profile Pro" и "Magic Window". Читайте в нашем интервью о том, как Денис, столкнувшись с недостатком одного из расширений Joomla! и обучаясь самостоятельно, стал разработчиком, его рекомендации тем, кто бы хотел встать на этот же путь, его мысли о преимуществах и недостатках системы Joomla! и о его любимых блюде, книге и домашнем животном.

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JUG Round Up March 2017

JUG Round Up March 2017

February was a slower month in the JUG community around the world. Perhaps we’re all hibernating or just plain busy.

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  4516 Hits

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