Interview with PLT member Jessica Dunbar

Interview with PLT member Jessica Dunbar

Today I’d like to introduce Jessica Dunbar — a famous Joomla! contributor, Joomla! Production Leadership Team (PLT0 member, Joomla! marketing lead, online marketer, speaker, system administrator and a lovely mom. She is also into SEO, strategy management, start-ups development and also works for a web agency in Milwaukee. We have had a talk about Joomla!, marketing strategy and about other subjects. So, here we go!

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  9056 Hits

Two Robust Joomla Classified Ads Components

Two Robust Joomla Classified Ads Components

Many people consider using Joomla! to create a classified ads website or to expand functionalities of an already existing portal. There is such a possibility of course, and the Joomla Extension Directory (JED) offers at least a dozen components to use. However, there are only a few dynamically developing solutions worth recommending.

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  32015 Hits

Preparing to Speak at a Conference

Preparing to Speak at a Conference

Don't let anyone tell you that you are too inexperienced to speak at a conference – everyone has something to share. Do you really think that people were born as speakers – everyone has to speak for the first time. The thought of speaking in front of an audience can be scary even for experienced speakers. It requires a lot of planning, preparation and practice – don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

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  13229 Hits

How I Migrated a Portal from Joomla 1 to 3

How I Migrated a Portal from Joomla 1 to 3

This article describes how I migrated a big website, with over 10000 articles written in Cyrillic and using special characters, from Joomla 1.x to Joomla 3.x.

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  16020 Hits

Joomla! La parola ai designers: Carlotta Silvestrini

Joomla! La parola ai designers: Carlotta Silvestrini

Molti developers hanno elogiato le qualità di Joomla, definendolo uno dei migliori CMS sul mercato per la sua grande flessibilità e potente architettura. Ma cosa significa lavorare con Joomla! come designer? Quali sono le sfide che imponiamo a questa potente piattaforma? Quali i limiti che impone alla nostra creatività? Carlotta Silvestrini , autrice de Il Manuale del Perfetto Web Designer con Joomla!, risponde alle mie domande a nome dei milioni di designer sparsi nel mondo alle prese con Joomla.

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  10647 Hits

Boostez Joomla! avec les Tags

Boostez Joomla! avec les Tags

Les tags (que l'on nomme parfois balises ou étiquettes en français) sont apparus avec la version 3.1 de Joomla! ce qui faisait de ce nouveau composant natif, une des fonctionnalités les plus attendues de cette version de notre CMS. Le concept des tags devrait être familier pour la plupart des utilisateurs du web mais nous allons en donner une définition de manière à définir le cadre de cet article.

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  13929 Hits

Introducción pública, artículo registrado

Introducción pública, artículo registrado

A veces llega el momento en un proyecto en el que se necesita que el texto introductorio de los artículos sea visible para la audiencia general, pero si el visitante quiere ver el artículo completo, tiene que estar identificado en el sistema. El contenido completo está bloqueado y sólo después de crear u obtener una cuenta de acceso, el visitante va a tener la posibilidad de ver el contenido completo del artículo.

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  5482 Hits

Upcoming Joomla Events March/April 2015

Upcoming Joomla Events March/April 2015

There are several Joomla Events throughout the next few months. Hopefully there’s an event near you to help you connect and do more with Joomla. Joomla! User Group (JUG) meetings and JoomlaDays are intended for everyone from casual users to core developers. Visit the Joomla! Events site to browse all events, submit an event or learn how to organize your own event.

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  9477 Hits

Do More With Joomla 3.4

Do More With Joomla 3.4

Last week Joomla version 3.4 was released. It’s brought to you by the Production Leadership Team (PLT) and over 130 total contributors, and it fixes 700 bugs.

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  9064 Hits

Secret Joomla! SEO - Gestionnaire de redirection (com_redirect)

Secret Joomla! SEO - Gestionnaire de redirection (com_redirect)

Une des fonctionnalités qui est apparue avec la version 1.6 de Joomla! est le gestionnaire de redirection – un système simple qui vous permet d'identifier et de corriger les liens cassés. Avant l'introduction du gestionnaire de redirection, la seule solution pour identifier puis trouver les URLs cassées était d'utiliser une extension tierce, d'utiliser un logiciel SEO comme Screaming Frog, ou de consulter les logs serveur. Il est désormais possible d'identifier et de corriger les liens cassés directement depuis l'administration de Joomla!.

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  19648 Hits

Check-list pour une migration de WordPress vers Joomla!

Check-list pour une migration de WordPress vers Joomla!

Si vous avez l'intention de migrer votre site WordPress vers Joomla! afin de bénéficier du large éventail de fonctionnalités offert par Joomla, voici les éléments à garder à l'esprit afin de planifier ce processus.

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  13836 Hits

Diretório de Recursos Joomla! - Novidades e realizações

Diretório de Recursos Joomla! - Novidades e realizações

A equipe do Diretório de Recursos Joomla! (JRD) vem trabalhando arduamente e gostaria de compartilhar algumas realizações e informações importantes com a Comunidade. Convidamos você a assinar a newsletter na página principal do JRD ou a ler o nosso blog e, assim, ficar sempre por dentro das últimas notícias. O JRD é o lugar onde se pode encontrar rapidamente prestadores de serviços especializados, prontos a ajudá-lo a obter o máximo de aproveitamento do CMS Joomla!

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  10074 Hits

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