Have you ever wondered what goes on in departments? Or heard people within the community talk about ivory towers, them and us, hidden agendas and wondered if any of that was true? The reality is much more boring than a conspiracy theory. When volunteering, giving your time to write code, the part everyone hates is writing the documentation, and writing a forward plan (roadmap but less solid, aspirational) comes at the very bottom of the priority list!
One of the teams that people don’t hear a lot about, except in release notes, is the Joomla Security Strike Team. Or sometimes called JSST in short. And it is time we share a little bit of insight into what kind of issues this team actually works on. And who is in this team anyway?
Starting a new project with Joomla can sometimes be a little bit like writing a new article. I find myself staring at the blank page, overwhelmed by all the possibilities and different ways to acheive the same goals.
Maybe you've heard people talk about overrides. Or maybe you've seen the mysterious notification "Overrides to check" in your Joomla 4 backend. What are these overrides you hear so much about? Astrid Günther explains.
Another Joomler that has been volunteering for a long time now but most people haven’t heard about is Cliff. The biggest chance to meet him is either on our forums or in the Joomla Documentation. Let’s meet this, for most people, unknown Joomler and get to know him a bit.
So you want to follow the rules and you installed a cookie notice for your website. Maybe it’s a modest one, maybe it’s one of those extended walls presenting your user with tons of boxes to tick. Whatever type you use: if you want to have a fully accessible website, guess where your cookie notice should be? Hint: probably not where you’d expect it. Julian White explains.
Here at Joomla Community Magazine Headquarters we love it when someone comes up to us saying they wish to translate our articles in their own language. Maybe you’ve thought of this as well, but don’t know how and where to start. This article gets you going with three tips that might come in handy.
Dear reader, I am going to make a prediction: I feel I know you. I can tell that you are someone who is interested in Joomla, that you are familiar with the Joomla magazine and many of the people involved in this CMS. Am I right?
On June 24, 2022, Peter Russell passed away. He has been a co-founder of Joomla and he left memories in many members of the Community. In this article, Alison and Jennifer wanted to share some comments on Peter.
So you’re interested in founding a Joomla User Group (JUG)? You have options, and the JUG Team wants to help. We are here to foster the creation of new JUGs, and support existing JUGs.
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