Joomla! 3.0 Extension Development Series: Setting the Stage

Joomla! 3.0 Extension Development Series: Setting the Stage

I struggled with the necessity of this first article in an extension development series for a while, and finally decided that it was indeed a worthwhile post. It is important to make sure you build a proper foundation and there are several aspects of writing a Joomla! 3.0 component that should be planned right from the very first day. This is the first in a series of articles about extension development, which would not be complete without taking time to discuss the initial steps involved in planning and structuring the extension correctly. Here are those steps I have found to be most effective in beginning a successful Joomla! extension.

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  36378 Hits

Mobilize Joomla!‎

Mobilize Joomla!‎

In 2013 there will be more mobile devices capable of accessing the web than there will be computers. How do you present your Joomla!  website to your users accessing it from their mobile devices? A Mobile website is a website which has been optimized to work in a mobile browser. Using a mobile phone web browser one can directly access these websites. Mobile devices have unpredictable screen sizes and the speed of the internet connection can be low. The loading of images can take longer. This article will describe different approaches to mobilizing your Joomla! website.

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  90156 Hits

The Shift Joomla Needs to Make: My Challenge

We are on the brink of a new shift in the web and Joomla has the opportunity to be an early adopter in this shift. Taking part will help place Joomla ahead of other open source CMS's in terms of functionality, increase website conversions, and result in an overall better user experience. So what is this shift I'm talking about? It's the dynamic personalization of a website for the individual visitor. In this JCM whiteboard I will be exploring this concept and challenging Joomla developers to embrace and develop this concept.

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  34491 Hits

The Unbalanced Force in Your Marketing Strategy

Many Joomla businesses and marketers seem to hit this wall when they've created some great offer or download, yet find very few people converting on it. While there can be many reasons for this, one common theme I often see is an unbalanced marketing campaign strategy.

In this Joomla whiteboard we will be looking at the concept of builder vs driver marketing campaigns and how they should be balanced and developed as a part of your successful inbound marketing strategy.

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  21037 Hits

There Are No Limits...

There Are No Limits...

As we begin the new year, here is something to think on... "If you always put limit[s] on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there – you must go beyond them." ~Bruce Lee

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  21639 Hits

Joomla 3.0 SEO ipuçları

Joomla 3.0 SEO ipuçları

Joomla içerik yönetim sisteminin SEO /SEF yapısındaki gelişmeleri tanımak için bile olsa Joomla 3.0 sürümünü kullanmayanların deneyimlemesi gerektiğine inanıyorum. Günümüzde websiteleri, arama motorlarının sürekli gelişen ve değişen algoritmalarına uyum sağlamak zorunda, hal böyleyken Joomla kullanan websiteleri mümkün olduğunca en yüksek sürümü kullanmaları bu uyum için atılacak en iyi adım olacaktır.

Joomla 3.0 ile bazı yararlı Joomla uyumlu eklerinin de yayımlanması ile beraber SEO konusunda dahan iyi bir deneyim sunmayı vaadediyor. Joomla 1.5 / 2.5 için birbirinden fonksiyonel ve bir o kadar da yararlı SEO eklentileri mevcuttu Set Generator Tag, SEOSimple, SEO Pagination, JoomSEF, J!Redirect 301, SH404sef bu eklentilerin en tercih edilenleri olmuştu.

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  17480 Hits

The Joomla Translation Experience

The Joomla Translation Experience

The International Translation Team members are a bit anonymous. They are all great contributors, but not really recognizable in the community. We want to change that! Let’s tell the Joomla Community who they are and share their experiences and expectations with the world!


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  33314 Hits

How SSL Can Secure and Add Features to Your Joomla! Site

How SSL Can Secure and Add Features to Your Joomla! Site

Joomla! takes security very seriously and is extremely proactive about fixing any issues that may arise. That doesn't mean that there isn't more you can do for your Joomla! website to protect it. Using SSL, you can enable a few features already built-in to Joomla! and protect from some easy exploits that may be taken against your site and users users. Better yet, SSL can be used for other features you may not even know about.

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  57005 Hits

The Conference Crasher

The Conference Crasher

So, let me start by saying I wasn’t a Joomla Guy. I was a web application guy that was used to using frameworks like Codeigniter and Ruby on Rails. I met the guys at who were building a really exciting service for freelance journalists. I asked them what they were writing it in and they said “Joomla.” My first reaction was, “Really?”

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  21288 Hits

The X Factor and Women in Joomla!

The X Factor and Women in Joomla!

Conference attendance statistics showed that we had 23% women at the first Joomla World Conference. We need to raise that number, not only for the next JWC, but for all of our events! 

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  81333 Hits

A New Way to Protect and Accelerate Your Site

A New Way to Protect and Accelerate Your Site

After three articles in the Joomla Community Magazine about security [1], [2] and performance, I was invited to the Incapsula session during the last amazing Joomla World Conference to learn about a new solution that provides security, performance, and much more.

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  89839 Hits

eGovernment - Joomla and Patzun Municipality at ICEGOV2012, electronic government world conference”

eGovernment - Joomla and Patzun Municipality at ICEGOV2012, electronic government world conference”

Joomla is a key CSM tool for the design of municipalities websites of the of the MuNet program (Efficient and Transparent Municipalities) that the Organization of American States has been implemented in several countries of Latin America, specifically the municipality of Patzún is an example of this as I presented at ICEGOV2012.

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  5792 Hits

20 Unterschiede: Joomla 2.5 vs. Joomla 3.0

20 Unterschiede: Joomla 2.5 vs. Joomla 3.0

Joomla 3.0 wurde am 27. September 2012 veröffentlicht. Erheblichen Updates und bedeutenden Weiterentwicklung kommen mit der neuen Version hinzu. Kurz darauf folgt am 9. Oktober ein Sicherheitsupdate mit der Joomla 3.0.1. Joomla 3.0 ist auf jeden Fall das top Theme des Monats. Falls du es noch nicht kennst, hier sind die 20 wichtigsten Änderungen, die du über Joomla 3.0 Bescheid wissen solltest.

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  61667 Hits

Breaking Down Barriers for Joomla! Users

Breaking Down Barriers for Joomla! Users

I have experience teaching several hundred Joomla! users. The highest barrier for my students was to move their sites from their local servers that they used for their training, to real servers that will host their sites. There should be an easier way to do that and make new Joomla! users satisfied than ever.

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  22117 Hits

Comunitat - Ajudans

Comunitat - Ajudans

Necessitem de la teva ajuda per difondre Joomla! I perquè les persones i empreses que ho estan utilitzant siguin conscients de la necessitat de mantenir el seu Joomla! actualitzat a l'última versió de llarga durada ... i perquè coneguin el nou Joomla 3.

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  10952 Hits

Noticia - PR3PARA'T

Noticia - PR3PARA'T

La nova versió de Joomla! 3.0 va sortir al setembre segons el previst, i realment posa sobre el mapa del CMS Joomla noves vies apassionants. Estem obrint un nou camí, sent fidels a l'evolució de la tecnologia i l'enginy de la comunitat que impulsa el nostre projecte.

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  10417 Hits

Tutorial - Tot el que necessites saber per migrar de Joomla 1.5 al 2.5...

Tutorial - Tot el que necessites saber per migrar de Joomla 1.5 al 2.5...

... i mai t'has atrevit a demanar.   S'està parlant molt de la recent estrenada versió de Joomla, la 3.0.X, però hem de ser realistes i assumir que encara hi ha moltes insta·acions de Joomla a l'antiga versió 1.5. Per això voldríem aportar un tutorial on hem intentat posar, ja no la forma de fer la migració, sinó les solucions als problemes que pot trobar durant la migració

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  10593 Hits

دومین روز جوملا در ایران برگزار شد.

دومین روز جوملا در ایران برگزار شد.

دومین روز جوملا در ایران، به همت تیم جوملا فارسی (مترجم برگزیده جوملا برای زبان فارسی) پنجشنبه 25 آبان 1391 در کرمان برگزار شد. در این رویداد که برای دومین بار در ایران برگزار می شد، مقالات و کارگاه هایی در رابطه با وب، اوپن سورس و جوملا ارائه شد. همچنین در این برنامه برگزیدگان جشنواره جوملا معرفی و از آنان تقدیر به عمل آمد.

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  10845 Hits

Tutorial - Instal·lant l'idioma català a Joomla! 3.0

Tutorial - Instal·lant l'idioma català a Joomla! 3.0

Conjuntament amb la preparació al llançament de Joomla! 3.0 s'estava gestant altre esdeveniment molt important dins de la Joomla! esfera, que era el GSoC o Google Summer of Code, en què Javier Gómez al costat del seu equip de mentors, van treballar en un sistema que permetés instal·lar els diferents idiomes en què està traduït Joomla! sense necessitat del procés de descarregar el paquet i després instal·lar-ho nosaltres mateixos.

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  18308 Hits

Kevinjohn Gallagher at the JWC12: Blunt, but Kilted.

Kevinjohn Gallagher at the JWC12: Blunt, but Kilted.

At the end of Kevinjohn Gallagher’s very impressive online bio is his down-side - “He’s a little blunt.” And, in his keynote at the Joomla! World Conference, he did not disappoint! But, something about a guy in a kilt, we really don’t expect subtlety.

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  16722 Hits

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