Yeah Baby, I Went to Harvard!

Yeah Baby, I Went to Harvard!

When I arrived at the Harvard Medical School building for the Joomla! World Conference 2013, I took a moment to look around. In November 2012 I went to San Jose, CA, to attend the very first JWC. There, I expanded my understanding about what the Open Source community is all about, and I got involved in the Joomla community as an illustrator for the Joomla! Community Magazine. After a while I started to wonder: what's next? I went to the second Joomla! World Conference in Boston looking for an answer...

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Sim, bebê, eu fui pra Harvard!

Sim, bebê, eu fui pra Harvard!

Quando cheguei ao edifício da Escola Médica de Harvard para a JWC'13, para um instante para olhar em volta. Em novembro de 2012 fui para San Jose na Califórnia para a primeira Joomla World Conference. Lá, ampliei minha compreensão do que é uma comunidade open source e me envolvi com a Comunidade Joomla, presentando serviço voluntário como ilustrador da Joomla Community Magazine. Após algum tempo comecei a me perguntar: o que fazer agora? Em Boston, fui buscar algumas respostas.

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Informe conjunt de la cimera de Boston - 7 nov. 2013

Informe conjunt de la cimera de Boston - 7 nov. 2013

Els dies anteriors a la Conferència mundial de Joomla! (JWC) es van reunir els equips de lideratge de Joomla!, Com fan cada any, per debatre assumptes que concerneixen a tota la comunitat, per això hem volgut traduir les conclusions  a què van arribar els responsables de Joomla!


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WordPress and Drupal at the Joomla! World Conference

WordPress and Drupal at the Joomla! World Conference

The 2nd Joomla! World Conference was held last month. Last year in San Jose there were keynote speakers from major open source names such as MySQL and Mozilla. This year the team went a step further and invited a speaker from WordPress. Matt Mullenweg is one of the two co-founders of WordPress and also the founder of Automattic, the company behind

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  25857 Hits

JWC13: Signed, Sealed and Delivered

JWC13: Signed, Sealed and Delivered

The second annual Joomla! World Conference was held November 8-10, 2013 at Harvard University in Boston, Massachusetts. People came from around the world to attend. The weather cooperated and a great time was had by all!

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  15474 Hits

Introduction to the Power of Bootstrap in Joomla!

Introduction to the Power of Bootstrap in Joomla!

At the Joomla World Conference in Boston last month I attended Ryan Boog’s session on “Making Your Website Wicked Awesome - Practical Uses and Tips on Utilizing Bootstrap in Joomla!”. My understanding of Bootstrap was pretty minimal, so I decided to pull myself up… and dive in!

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Leadership Highlights - December 2013

Leadership Highlights - December 2013

Last month the majority of the Joomla Leadership Teams (CLT - Community Leadership Team; OSM - The Board of Open Source Matters; PLT - Production Leadership Team) gathered in Boston just before the Joomla World Conference, for individual and joint team summits. Recent weeks have been very busy, so for this month's highlights we'll keep it short and sweet:

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Chamada para inclusão de novos na CLT

A Equipe de Lideranças da Comunidade (CLT) Joomla! está em processo de convidar novos membros para fazerem parte do time. As indicações terminam em 10 de dezembro de 2013, por isso, se você quiser se juntar a CLT, convidamos a ler o artigo a seguir e preencher o formulário.

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  11844 Hits

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