Cómo actualizar la versión de PHP de tu Sitio Web

Cómo actualizar la versión de PHP de tu Sitio Web

Si estás leyendo esta publicación significa que tu sitio web está corriendo con una versión antigua de PHP. No estás solo, la versión 5.3 de PHP es usada por el 31.1% de todos los sitios web y la versión 5.4 es usada por el 29%.
Ambas versiones de PHP junto con la versión 5.5 han alcanzado el fin de su vida útil y no se les dará más actualizaciones de seguridad. Esto significa que estás en un gran riesgo de seguridad!

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  37952 Hits

La evolución de Internet desde el paraíso nerd a un ecosistema de consumo

La evolución de Internet desde el paraíso nerd a un ecosistema de consumo

En los últimos 10 años, Internet ha evolucionado a un ritmo rápido. Ecosistemas y mercados completamente nuevos han surgido en esta columna vertebral. La distribución de la base de usuarios de Internet es completamente diferente hoy de lo que era hace unos años. En este artículo vamos a explorar el impacto de este cambio en los sistemas de gestión de contenidos y a donde las cosas podrían ir desde aquí.

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Cambiando la conversación sobre Joomla!

Cambiando la conversación sobre Joomla!

El espíritu de Joomla! es la comunidad, la cual está viva y bien. Nuestra comunidad es fuerte y apasionada, llena de gente vibrante y talentosa de todo el mundo que colaboran y se ayudan unos a otros todos los días. Utilizamos Joomla! para construir sitios web que ayudan a las empresas, gobiernos y organizaciones. Nuestro trabajo es significativo y hacemos del mundo un lugar mejor. Al mismo tiempo, podemos ser nuestro peor enemigo. Nuestras propias palabras y acciones crean una percepción que impacta el crecimiento de nuestra plataforma de muchas maneras. Con el fin de construir nuestra comunidad y mejorar nuestra plataforma, tenemos que cambiar la conversación sobre Joomla! y comienza con nosotros.

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Cinco razones para elegir Joomla!

Cinco razones para elegir Joomla!

Hay más opciones de plataformas CMS que nunca. Todas cuentan con características de gran alcance, pero no siempre está claro cómo es que estas características nos son de utilidad en la vida real. Estas son las cinco razones por las que muchas personas optan por Joomla! para alcanzar más metas con su sitio web y resolver retos web en el mundo real.

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  6079 Hits

A Palette of Awesome Stock Resources

A Palette of Awesome Stock Resources

An image says more than thousand words, they say. Whenever you write an article or a blog item you have felt the desire to have that perfect image to follow your words. Where do you find them, is it ok to use this one? All of us get  this distraction from the actual writing the words, of how to find images to go with them. This article will introduce you to a unique collection of "Awesome Stock Resources". Forget those 10, 20, 50 best free stock resource blog posts. Here you will get the one stop entry for your search of free visuals and sounds.

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  8193 Hits

GSoC: Improved Multi-lingual Content Management (Update Status)

GSoC: Improved Multi-lingual Content Management (Update Status)

Gladly the project had a big update in these months, so let me show you! Having such a complex project in your hands can be sometimes overwhelming, managing time, defining a certain task as finished, planning further tasks is the hardest part.

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  8799 Hits

Come for the 2016 JWC, Stay to Check out Scenic Vancouver!

Come for the 2016 JWC, Stay to Check out Scenic Vancouver!

The Joomla! World Conference is back for 2016 and is taking place in the beautiful international city of Vancouver. While the JWC is obviously the main attraction there’s no reason not to extend your stay and explore the city during your trip! We put together a brief list of things you can do when you visit Vancouver this November.

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  8195 Hits

JCM Survey 2016: we are listening to the Community

JCM Survey 2016: we are listening to the Community

Hello, Community! You must be aware the Joomla Community Magazine is going through changes. For starters, this is the first issue published after the upgrade to version 3.6.x. And there is a lot more to come! For starters, we want to hear the voice of the Community to guide us in our next steps.

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  12186 Hits

GSoC: Improved Joomla! CMS tests using BDD Gherkin and Codeception

GSoC: Improved Joomla! CMS tests using BDD  Gherkin and Codeception

Hello folks! How to make Joomla! CMS tests better with Gherkin and Codeception? BDD (Behavior Driven development) in its grandest sense is about communication and viewing your software as a system with functionality and features. Using the BDD approach to write test cases makes test cases easy. BDD tests are easily understandable by non developers and testers.

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  8786 Hits

GSoC: Helping out Yash Part-II. Progress on improving Joomla Menu Item workflow

GSoC: Helping out Yash Part-II. Progress on improving Joomla Menu Item workflow

How to improve the menu item workflow to make it easier for Joomla! users? This is one of the Google Summer of Code 2016 projects in course now and this article shows its progress.

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  9684 Hits

GSoC: Creating a draft content in Joomla

I am back with the next article of GSoC 2016 project. Previously I wrote about the central idea Shareable Draft Content, so much to be coded but not so much time to finish it! The previous article explained the scope of the project, the steps of implementation and the advantages of this enhancement feature. In my second article the progress so far on this project, all the yay-nay moments over the past weeks of the coding is shared!

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  9199 Hits

GSoC: Why JavaScript Tests Need to be Merged Right Now

GSoC: Why JavaScript Tests Need to be Merged Right Now

The Google Summer of Code project on writing tests for the custom JavaScript libraries in Joomla! is close to completion. We are about to get them merged into Joomla! CMS soon. This article is about why those tests need to be merged as soon as possible.

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  9125 Hits

Joomla! Certification Project Status

On December 1st, 2012 a call was made by Sarah Watz for volunteers to help the Certification Program come alive. Since then several articles published and some demo sessions conducted at Joomla! events to make it happen. Over the time the certification team structure changed with new members on board and working actively for the past two years to make this happen. We are excited to announce the Joomla! Certification will be available from September 1st 2016.

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  8507 Hits

Joomla! attends #HostingCon Global 2016

Joomla! attends #HostingCon Global 2016

Joomla made its first appearance at HostingCon Global 2016 in New Orleans, Louisiana. Billed as "The Premier Industry Conference for the Worldwide Hosting and Community", the conference/expo seemed like the perfect venue to showcase Joomla! We were asked to present a 2-hour workshop and given an expo booth to share Joomla with the community.

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  9571 Hits

GSoC: Recording Actions Logs, Accessible by Super Admin (Status Update)

GSoC: Recording Actions Logs, Accessible by Super Admin (Status Update)

Imagine if the Super User could record the actions of users: who did what, where and when. This is the extension that I am developing in my Joomla! Google Summer of Code Project.

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  14513 Hits

Joomla! at the Free Software International Forum - FISL17

Joomla! at the Free Software International Forum - FISL17

For one more year, Joomla! Brasil community was in the 17º Fórum Internacional Software Livre (FISL17) - Free Software International Forum - promoted in the city of Porto Alegre, south of Brazil, from July 13th to 16th.

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