Joomla! World Conference 2013, Get Your Tickets Now!

Joomla! World Conference 2013, Get Your Tickets Now!

Even with the summer vacation well underway, the Joomla! World Conference Team has been busy behind the scenes planning what will be an awesome event!

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  24706 Hits

New Look Template Manager - Project Update

This is an update on my GSoC 2013 project - Improvements to the Template Manager for CMS 3. Do checkout the video that I've done and tell me what do you think about the project.

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  25642 Hits

استفاده از Less در جوملا

با پیشرفت وب نرم افزارهای توسعه دهنده نیز پیشرفت های شگرفی کرده اند. در زمینه طراحی وب سایت یکی از مهمترین بخش ها مربوط به استایل ها یا همان فایلهای CSS می باشد. ابزارهای بسیار قوی برای برای توسعه استایلها ارائه شدند اما رسم الخط CSS تغییری بنیادین نکرد تا زمانی که این حرکت با Sass و سپس Less آغاز شد. Less زبانی جدید نیست بلکه تنها ابزاری است که امکانات اضافی به استایلهایی که همیشه به آن عادت داشتید اضافه کرده است.این امکانات باعث توسعه سریعتر، ساده تر و خواناتر می شود. در این مقاله به توضیح مقدماتی درباره Less و سپس نحوه استفاده از آن در جوملا می پردازیم.

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  9896 Hits

Cenário da Indústria Joomleira no Brasil

Cenário da Indústria Joomleira no Brasil

Diante de um rico cenário, a plataforma Joomla apresenta um crescimento considerável no Brasil, o número de admiradores e usuários está aumentando e o CMS ganha cada vez mais maior visibilidade. Não se tem dúvidas quanto ao crescimento da comunidade, mas qual seria o perfil real desses usuários e da comunidade ativa no Brasil?

Com o intuito de mapear esses dados, Rogério Costa (@matofino), publicitário, atuante no mercado de Internet Marketing desde 2009 e facilitador de cursos da plataforma Joomla, reuniu esforços para atingir esse o objetivo e apresentar um visão geral sobre o perfil da indústria Joomleira no Brasil.

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  9364 Hits

A Joomla Bug Squad Lesson on JLayouts

A Joomla Bug Squad Lesson on JLayouts

Or... How I learned about JLayouts in 10 minutes, and why contributing to the Joomla Bug Squad can be a valuable learning experience. JLayout solves the problem of hardcoded markup. JLayout provides a simple mechanism for html markup to be moved into a separate file which can then be overriden by templates.

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  16515 Hits

Wie ich es schaffte, dass meine Seite in 1.29 Sekunden geladen ist

Wie ich es schaffte, dass meine Seite in 1.29 Sekunden geladen ist

Wir alle hören seit einiger Zeit, dass die Ladezeit einer Seite für die SEO-Bewertung je länger je wichtiger wird - also haben wir kürzlich in einer tiefgehenden Übung untersucht, wie wir die Ladezeiten unserer eigenen Seiten auf ein absolutes Minimum reduzieren können. Wir glauben, dass sich unsere Ergebnisse in GTMetrix durchaus sehen lassen können: 85% für die PageSpeed, 95% für YSlow sowie eine Ladezeit von 1.29 Sekunden. Wir möchten unsere Erfahrungen und unser Vorgehen an dieser Stelle gerne teilen. Einige der verwendeten Mechanismen sind Joomla! spezifisch, die generellen Konzepte sind aber für jedes CMS und jede Webseite gültig.

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  41146 Hits

Musterlösung für 404 Fehlerseiten [samt ein paar lustigen Beispielen]

Musterlösung für  404 Fehlerseiten [samt ein paar lustigen Beispielen]

Wir alle haben doch schon manche 404-Seite gesehen - erinnern wir uns doch mal: Wie haben wir reagiert?

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  31392 Hits

How to Approach to Big Projects with Joomla!

How to Approach to Big Projects with Joomla!

When we approach a development project based on the Joomla CMS, we must treat it in the same way as if it was any other development project. A common mistake is to compare the developments made with Open Source Software for Freelance (in our case Joomla) with other projects which involve full development teams.

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  35129 Hits

Hello, Flat Design. 17 Joomla! Templates for Inspiration

Hello, Flat Design. 17 Joomla! Templates for Inspiration

Over the past couple of years we've seen a huge evolution in the way designers and developers are approaching UI/UX design. Responsive, Twitter Bootstrap, jQuery, Less, Sass, and HTML5 all come to mind. And now for the first time in a long time, a new graphic design trend has emerged out of accessibility. I'm talking about Flat Design.

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  63946 Hits

Can Joomla! Help me Save Money on E-learning Projects?

Can Joomla! Help me Save Money on E-learning Projects?

Let's begin by asking ourselves what is the similarity of a web portal which offers online “Media Manager” courses and a virtual campus portal of a university with more than 4,000 professors, and more than 45,000 students enrolled in different courses?

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  28420 Hits

Qu'est ce que Joomla ?

Joomla est un système de gestion de contenu (CMS), qui vous permet de construire des sites internet de qualité professionnelle. De nombreux aspects, notamment sa facilité d'utilisation et l'extensibilité, ont fait de Joomla le logiciel le plus populaire, voire le meilleur de tous. Joomla est une solution open source accessible à tout le monde.



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  10776 Hits

Getting Started with Composer and Joomla!

Getting Started with Composer and Joomla!

If you’ve been listening to the various Joomla discussions about the Framework then you’re somewhat aware of what the Joomla! Framework is. If not, then this article will introduce you to the concept and then build on those concepts to provide some very specific examples.

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  58454 Hits

Các trang 404 thực tiễn và hấp dẫn

Các trang 404 thực tiễn và hấp dẫn

Nếu làm webmaster chắc hẳn ai cũng biết đến lỗi 404, và cách thức để làm một trang 404 hấp dẫn và không làm khách hàng cảm thấy khó chịu khi gặp lỗi này.

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  8201 Hits

Higher Rankings and Basic SEO for Your Joomla! Website

Higher Rankings and Basic SEO for Your Joomla! Website

Google’s algorithm is constantly being modified to show “quality sites” in their search results. Many things like site speed, information architecture, and page design are all contributing factors to your SEO. Search Engine Optimization has many aspects; one of the most important is the integration all of your online marketing tactics and making them work together. If you have a Joomla! Website, your techniques need to be adjusted to work with this particular Content Management System (CMS).

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  60025 Hits

Wie man die richtige Erweiterung findet - Teil 1: Auswahl

Wie man die richtige Erweiterung findet - Teil 1: Auswahl

Neuling oder Erfahrener Benutzer? Wir alle haben ab und zu Mühe, die richtige Erweiterung für unsere neue Seite zu finden. Manchmal geht das ganz einfach - manchmal könnten wir aber mit unseren Köpfen auf die tastatur hauen und den Kunden zur Hölle wünschen. Jedenfalls sind Erweiteungen die Bausteine für bessere und mächtigere Joomla! Seiten. Wir sehen uns in diesem ertsen teil des Artikels einige Richtlinien an, wie man gezielt eine Erweiterung auswählt.

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  9623 Hits

Wie man die richtige Erweiterung findet - Teil 2: Support

Wie man die richtige Erweiterung findet - Teil 2: Support

Im ersten Teil haben wir einige grundlegende Auswahlschritte angeschaut, jetzt werden wir tiefer in die Materie eintauchen. Nämlich in den Schritt "Bitte, bitte, ich brauche dringend Hilfe ...", oder kurz: Support. Erinnern wir uns, der Support einer Erweiterung ist im Grunde genommen das A und O - aber auch unser Beitrag (oder Input) zu Supportanfragen spielt eine wichtige Rolle! Schauen wir uns einige Tipps an, und denkt daran - das ist alles meine persönliche Ansicht ...

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  9922 Hits

JoomlaDay San Francisco - A New Paradigm for Joomla!

JoomlaDay San Francisco - A New Paradigm for Joomla!

JoomlaDay San Francisco will be taking place September 27-29, 2013 at the gorgeous Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California.

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  194009 Hits

When Should You Upgrade Your Joomla 1.5 Site

When Should You Upgrade Your Joomla 1.5 Site

According to W3Techs, as of the beginning of July 2013, 63% of all Joomla sites are running version 1.x. Of these, some 92% are running version 1.5. That works out to a rather large 58% of all Joomla sites running 1.5! The other 5% are mostly version 1.6 and 1.7. [Aside: if your site is one of those 5% please just upgrade now. It's not going to be that painful and you are a sitting duck for hackers. By "now" I mean stop reading this and go upgrade. Seriously.]

So why is the number so high? There are usually a long list of factors, and most of them are valid. Here are the ones I hear regularly:

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  37454 Hits

Master Bootstrap – Free Template for Joomla!

Master Bootstrap – Free Template for Joomla!

A few months ago, I adapted the great Bootstrap framework to Joomla, basing it on a few of the versions seen before. After a period during which I left it untouched, I revised and refined it, getting it ready to be used, at least on test sites.

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  93781 Hits

Bio Feedback

Bio Feedback

In an effort to walk the thin line of balance between the for- and not-for-profit dynamics in our project, we recently made a change on the magazine limiting JCM author links in their bios. This debate is something Dianne and I face every day as Co-Lead Editors on the Joomla Community Magazine, and also as members of the board of Open Source Matters, Inc. (OSM). What is fair? What is proper? How can we know, and what do you think?

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  25049 Hits

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