Joomla! Q&A Site on Stack Exchange

Joomla! Q&A Site on Stack Exchange

Many Joomla questions on Stack Overflow (SO, a "Q&A for professional and enthusiast programmers" website) get killed off because they are not within the defined realm of questions for SO. As a result, many regular SO users are trying to get a Joomla Q&A site set up. The effort is in the commitment stage, and at this writing we've just passed the 50% mark (now 72%) and we need your help.

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  28014 Hits

Joomla! at CeBIT 2014 - Big Business!

Joomla! at CeBIT 2014 - Big Business!

From March 10 - 14, CeBit, the world's largest IT fair opened its doors in Hannover, Germany. CeBIT is by far the most important IT related fair in Europe and also has a big international impact, which is underlined by the fact that this year’s CeBIT was visited by people from more than 100 different countries. Like last year, the Joomla! project, represented by a team of well known volunteers from the local community, was part of the CMS Garden booth in Hall 6 at the event.


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  17133 Hits

JFBConnect: Let's do more with Social Networks

JFBConnect: Let's do more with Social Networks

Social media is HOT these days… or at least that’s what people say. So let’s have a look at JFBConnect and review whether the extension does the trick integrating social media into Joomla without using too many API’s.

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  17725 Hits

Core Features I Want from the Components I Choose

Core Features I Want from the Components I Choose

The “core” components provide several valuable features like tags, versioning, and ACL settings per category. These features are available for integration and use in third-party components, but too often these components ignore them. Here is a list of the ”core” features I look for when I evaluate components. Think about them, and you might find that you want them, too.

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  19764 Hits

Migration SEO Tips Series - Part 1 - Planning Your Link Migration Strategy

Migration SEO Tips Series - Part 1 - Planning Your Link Migration Strategy

We’ve all done it – worked for months on a migration, put in all the finishing touches, uploaded it to our server and closed our eyes (and probably crossed our fingers) while turning our shining new website live to the world. I expect many of us have also done this without thinking about the changes we might have made in the process, and particularly without considering any impact this might have on our position in search engines. I hope that this series of articles will give you some ‘top tips’ of things you must do before, during and after your migration to maintain your hard-earned search engine optimisation and avoid incurring penalties post-migration.

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  33927 Hits

Practical Development 3: Project

Practical Development 3: Project

Third in a series of articles on practical development. The advantages of dealing with your Project through an in Integrated Development Environment (IDE) such as PHP Storm. Consult previous articles in this series.

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  20236 Hits

Case Study - CrimeSuspect.Net

Case Study - CrimeSuspect.Net

How does one build a website for crowd-sourcing citizens and law enforcement agencies to better fight crime? With Joomla! of course! “You can’t outrun the click of a mouse…”

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  26947 Hits

Roundup from JUG Corner - March 2014

With 162 user groups around the world, there is always something exciting and interesting happening in the Joomla! Community!

This is a monthly round-up highlighting new Joomla! User Groups, events, and reviews of JUG meetings.

If you have anything you would like me to feature from your Joomla User Group please send me an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You must be writing from a registered Joomla! User Group (i.e. listed at

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  11854 Hits

What’s New in the Joomla! Community Magazine?

What’s New in the Joomla! Community Magazine?

The Joomla Community Magazine will be four years old in a few months. Since the beginning, this unique and popular communication channel, where the community is the primary contributor, has grown and matured. It’s an on-going process, and today we’d like to mention a few recent changes, and thank some of the people who are making it possible.

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  20010 Hits

Leadership Highlights April 2014

Leadership Highlights April 2014

With so many fantastic events organized in the month of March, chances are that you packed, unpacked and repacked your suitcase and have been traveling to meet your Joomla! friends all over the world.

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  16167 Hits

Joomla! World Conference – 2014

Joomla! World Conference – 2014

Grab your sunscreen and sombreros! The third Joomla! World Conference will be held on November 7-9 at the Grand Oasis resort in Cancun, Mexico! 

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  21595 Hits

Migration complexe d’un site Joomla! 1.5 avec un minimum d’indisponibilité

Migration complexe d’un site Joomla! 1.5 avec un minimum d’indisponibilité

Joomla! 1.5 n'est plus supporté par le Projet Joomla! depuis un certain temps déjà. Vous pouvez toujours continuer à utiliser un site en Joomla! 1.5, mais plus aucune mises à jour (y compris de sécurité) ne seront publiées. En outre, les versions Joomla! 2 comme Joomla! 3, bénéficient de nombreuses nouvelles fonctionnalités et améliorations. Vous constaterez, une fois que vous aurez commencé à utiliser Joomla! 2 ou Joomla! 3, la gestion d'un site Joomla! 1.5 semble vraiment démodée et vous remarquez combien Joomla! s’est effectivement amélioré.

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  18143 Hits

Pratique du développement (épisode 2) : l'environnement de travail

Pratique du développement (épisode 2) : l'environnement de travail

Deuxième article d’une série sur la pratique du développement, concernant votre environnement de travail dans le développement de Joomla! Consultez l’introduction du mois de mars pour savoir à quoi s’attendre.

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  18272 Hits

Le CMS, le Framework Joomla et les licences

Le CMS, le Framework Joomla et les licences

Ce furent des journées intenses dans notre communauté, comme on en a rarement vu avant. Twitter s’est enflammé avec de nombreux retours accompagnés par le mot-clé (hashtag) Joomla! et c’est très bien ! Il est bon de voir la communauté participer activement, même sur des questions qui génèrent des discussions passionnées. Nous sommes tous membres d’une même communauté.

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  15042 Hits

10 meilleures astuces pour un site Joomla! rapide

10 meilleures astuces pour un site Joomla! rapide

Votre site Joomla! est-il lent ? Vous devez réellement travailler sur cela : les utilisateurs ont horreur des sites lents et ils pourraient quitter votre site plus tôt que ce qu'ils le feraient normalement. Tout site qui nécessite plus de 2 secondes pour être chargé court un risque. De plus, Google dit souvent que la vitesse d'un site est déterminante pour son placement dans ses résultats de recherche. Ce qui est bon à savoir : il ne devrait pas être compliqué d'améliorer la vitesse de votre site Joomla!. Alors que vous pouvez parfois entendre des histoires disant que Joomla! est lent, cela vient en général d'un paramétrage incorrect ou d'un mauvais prestataire d'hébergement et vous pouvez travailler sur ces deux points. Si vous connaissez les points sur lesquels vous devez travailler, améliorer la vitesse de votre site Joomla! ne devrait pas être trop compliqué et parvenir à le faire charger en moins d'une seconde devrait être possible.

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  46995 Hits

10 Tips for a Fast Joomla Website

10 Tips for a Fast Joomla Website

Is your Joomla website slow? You should definitely work on that: users hate slow websites, and they may leave your site earlier then they otherwise would, resulting in low conversion. Any site that needs more then 2 seconds to load could be at risk. Also, Google even says that site speed is used to determine your place in their rankings.

What is nice to know: it should not be that hard to improve the speed of your Joomla website. While sometimes you can hear stories that Joomla is slow, this will usually be because of incorrect setup or bad hosting companies, and you can work on both. Especially if you know what to look at, improving the speed of your Joomla website may not be too hard, and making it load in less then a second should be possible.


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  102318 Hits

Per què les universitats han de considerar Joomla

Per què les universitats han de considerar Joomla

Si hagués de tornar a la docència universitària, jo seleccionaria Joomla com a plataforma web per tasques dels estudiants. Heus aquí per què…

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  11808 Hits

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